October 2010


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Apr. 9th, 2009


Much has changed

It's been a long while, friends, since I've been in the company of you all. In fact, I do believe it has been too long. I am sorry for this, though I cannot promise it won't happen again--you know how I am, right? I never can stay in too much company for long.

I'm sorry if I worried any of you--all this time so many of you must have thought I perished after the whole incident with Veronica's Veil, saying I was going to give myself to God, prostrate before the Sun. But..no. It seems that I'm far too old to be destroyed by it's taunting rays--though I've quite the tan to show for it, I believe I like the complexion. And anyhow, I've had such a wonderful time these past few years--traveling from Guam to Paraguay, Botswana to Austria. It's amazing how different people are, and yet so alike as well. I reveled in traveling their streets and dirt paths at night, studying them during the evening, these different cultures. The freedom of it--the wilderness of it!-- made me long for my old forests, my old trees, and most of all it reminded me of my own kind--you all.

Of course when I got the invitation to come I could not refuse, especially not when it was from my dear Maharet and Mekare. Actually, I have not seen either of them, perhaps they're running a bit late. Well, I'll be sure to greet them when they do arrive.

Anyway, it's nice to see you all again. I believe I will be taking a walk around the island, you're free to join me if you wish. I'm sure there's much we have to catch up on.