Sep. 28th, 2010


Something told me to come here. Said it was far away from everything you could want to be far away from. I think they were a fucking lair.

I'm Tyler, came down here from Connecticut and damn is it different here in October.

Need a job if you're looking for someone who needs one.

Something about me you wouldn't guess, I play church organ better than your grandma. Your turn.

#- Preachedout

((OOC-Tyler is a prophet (ie he hears angels) so any angels that care to be involved let me know! Or anyone else who might scope his mind and figure it out, he's not sure what they are yet, just that they give him a headache.))


Is this place forsaken by God or is that just what it looks like? I'm feeling intoxicated by all the possibilites here at the Island.. Where to go first? Btw, you can call me Oliwer

[edit. AIM Samaelicus]


I set my course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship. My course has brought me back here, what does that mean? -- Pandora.

Sep. 25th, 2010


Night Island, again. I have returned. The world is no place for me, in most instances. -- For those, who are most, that don't know me. I'm Khayman Benjamin.

Sep. 21st, 2010


I'm terrible at introductions. So let's start with the basics: Heroes can come in any form. They can be seen or unseen, living or dead. A solemn heart seeks it's place in the place where it would call home. Please send all complaints to my management team, and all praise directly to me.

Born and raised in St. Louis, but constantly on the move it seems. A time comes. It comes strong. It comes with a tic, it comes with a toc, the clock goes on and on. Everything is so captivating and enchanting around here, it is a wonder I haven't already been consumed by its charm. Hello World, It's difficult to say hello, sometimes more difficult than it is to say goodbye.

Never give me instructions. I don't listen.

Fall is making its way to us yet again, the all too brief--for some--harbinger of biting cold and falling snow. I'm a Little Black Raincloud. Perhaps there lives another world beyond the Ultra Violet. Common place means nothing in comparison to being alike. A year, a month, a century, or three. Having already stumbled a time or two, The Prince has arrived.

This actually has nothing to do with me. Oops. Good intro huh?

I feel like I've said hello to each and every one of you already.. At least as far as the first page of introductions is concerned.

And you're all, so, very, lovely.

An edit, before everyone tells me how unoriginal it is to take the minds of others.. I like to read, and I like to see how everyone can fit together in a way that fits in some shape or form whether or not it was intentional.. You all came from different walks, different talks.. Different lives and yet somehow the uncertainty, excitement, confidence, and questions that come with being in a new place at the same time as others.. It's beautiful.

My name is Christopher, I look for beautiful when I travel.

Sep. 20th, 2010


I'm a Little Black Raincloud

I think what holds me back is my inner self is a lot more negative about life than I've really noticed before.  When I think about everything I feel inside and what thoughts run through my head, I hesitate to let it all out. I don't want to be that person. I'd like to think I'm not that person. But then again, I also don't want to be a sparkling ray of sunshine either. So where does that leave me? Limbo? Denial? Waiting in line for a straight jacket with a big dumb smile on my face? I guess the biggest question I have is: Have you ever just been scared to find, well, you? My name is Jane Hobbs, but what that means is uncertain.

Sep. 18th, 2010


There was a day.

There was a day a day or two ago--a biblical day. A year, a month, a century, or three. The earth was made in 7 days. There was a day, when the sun went down--a dark day, an opposite day. Starting with the sun slinking away because the Hunter rules the winter and the Scorpion in the summer, and everything has a cycle and an orbit and which way does the maelstrom spin?

There was a day a week or a hundred a ago when Hades said -- You hit the right notes. You sang the right song. You asked just right. And it grated on my ears and it cut through my eardrums, till it dripped down the back of my throat and cut cut right to my cold dead heart-- All he said was--Don't look back. Don't look back till you're out of the gates.


I looked back -- You would too. Don't judge.

I'm Nicolas de Lenfent.

I stole the boat docked on the pier. I'm trying to walk off of it.

I'm Nicolas de Lenfent and it's winter.


Sep. 17th, 2010


It's difficult to say hello, sometimes more difficult than it is to say goodbye. I do not hide from you, I only seek the solitude for myself and my tears. I wish that I could make things different but not the way they are. You are like me and I am like you but we're not like everyone else. If only I had a time machine I would gather you there and we would live out our lives so differently. Would you still fall in love with me? Oh Armand, the Island is quiet tonight and you see how it's been. I want your smile again.

Sybelle @ appassionata syb

Aug. 17th, 2009


Good greetings to one and all. How are you? My name is Evangelica. I was born at Black Dragon River, the border of China and Russia, many many centuries ago. Yes, I am a vampire but not the kind you are accustomed to. I am addicted to blow pops. Please, if you see me, say hello. I won't bite you. Promise!

Aug. 15th, 2009



Well this is a way different scene than England. It certainly isn't raining all the time, which is good. The rain was starting to get annoying, especially since I couldn't play footbal as much as I want to.

Oops, I was so busy talking about the outdoors that I forgot to say my name. My name is Harry Miller. My name may sound familiar to any of my fellow Englishmen who came from the Victorian era, for name was all over the papers as being a notable casualty on the HMS Duchess which capsized. Neat trick I am still alive. Which was why I was so connected to my maker, they thought he was dead too.

Anyway I love music. I play guitar, the piano and the violin. I have written some songs myself. They are pretty good I think, if you don't like them then just keep it to yourself.

I am also a man of many words. I have a book of poems I always carry around with me when I am not busy. Which I am probably going to have pleanty of time considering I just retired.

Well it's nice to meet you all I hope to speak with you more often!

Jul. 4th, 2009


Greetings From The Phoenix

Hello my name is Janey Moore originally I was born Jane Seymour,

I came from a time of religious confusion, great creative strides and six wives. I think people nickname it these days the time of the Terrible Tudors. I didn't think it was that terrible. Well it was terrible for me because not only was I wife number three to a man who had six wives at different times, blamed for the death of Anne Boleyn but I also had to hide the fact I was a vampire from my husband and the whole country.

Many know me as being plain, submissive, boring, and uneducated. Before I slept for 100 years I was like that but I changed. I taught myself how to read and write (I get a kick out of reading history books from my time period, especially ones that bash me for being the man cause of Anne Boleyn's downfall) and I quite enjoy both of them. I am not submissive, I am much stronger and I learned to stand my ground when I have to.

I kept some qualities throughout my lifetime even after my hibernation. Like I still love to sew and design clothing and I cannot stand women on TV who set bad examples to other women. I even still play piano (the historians failed to mention that).

I am looking forward to meeting all of you! and I hope to talk to you soon.


May. 23rd, 2009


Uhh Hi, I'm Rose Halthrone. I kind of just moved here, I found this place when I was just another tourist out on the streets. From the moment I stepped onto the Island I knew this is where I wanted to live. I like making new friends, so if anyone wants to hang out in the town or come pop into my apartment and say hello that would be great. Any way, yeah I'm Rose.

Apr. 9th, 2009


Much has changed

It's been a long while, friends, since I've been in the company of you all. In fact, I do believe it has been too long. I am sorry for this, though I cannot promise it won't happen again--you know how I am, right? I never can stay in too much company for long.

I'm sorry if I worried any of you--all this time so many of you must have thought I perished after the whole incident with Veronica's Veil, saying I was going to give myself to God, prostrate before the Sun. It seems that I'm far too old to be destroyed by it's taunting rays--though I've quite the tan to show for it, I believe I like the complexion. And anyhow, I've had such a wonderful time these past few years--traveling from Guam to Paraguay, Botswana to Austria. It's amazing how different people are, and yet so alike as well. I reveled in traveling their streets and dirt paths at night, studying them during the evening, these different cultures. The freedom of it--the wilderness of it!-- made me long for my old forests, my old trees, and most of all it reminded me of my own kind--you all.

Of course when I got the invitation to come I could not refuse, especially not when it was from my dear Maharet and Mekare. Actually, I have not seen either of them, perhaps they're running a bit late. Well, I'll be sure to greet them when they do arrive.

Anyway, it's nice to see you all again. I believe I will be taking a walk around the island, you're free to join me if you wish. I'm sure there's much we have to catch up on.

Apr. 7th, 2009


This is the game of Truth or Dare and anyone is welcome to play it. We'll use it to get to know one another a little better. It is not a meme and if it starts to pass around like one I will personally hunt your ass down and reduce your sperm count by kicking you HARD! Is that okay to threaten things like that Armand?

Here’s how you play. You comment me with either Truth or Dare and I will respond with the appropriate choice. For example if you chose DARE I would say something to the effect of you must put “I want cunnilingus” as your tag in your next post. If you choose TRUTH and I happen to know something about you then you should be prepared for your dirty laundry to be aired. However you’ll have to reply again to confirm if I’m right or a big fat liar. Chances are good that I’m just making up things. So have at it?

Also I will have Daniel and Armand's help with your secrets and dares, that is if I don't annoy Daniel first because I'm here to annoy Daniel.

Truth; my name is Sybelle.

Apr. 6th, 2009


I am to make a formal announcement of my arrival, I suppose. I wish I had something more constructive to say, however, my time's been taken up with a rather impressive law suit pending here. I am Ghislain Mayfair, an attorney, I believe most of you are familiar with my cousin, Sunni...

In any case, I am available to chat or to give legal advice if the need arises. Somehow I think it might here... It is very nice to meet you all.