December 2020



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Nov. 21st, 2020


Text to Uncle Jake

You have (2) new messages )

Oct. 24th, 2020


Text to Jake (not Uncle Jake)

You have (1) new message )

Mar. 7th, 2018


(backdated to after this - )

I'm going through the rift to help those on the other side that can't seem to find it. I'd appreciate help from anyone else that can see the rift.

Jake, I know you're coming with me.

Feb. 13th, 2018


Voicepost, BACKDATED to 10th February

“Hello? Hi. This is Tommy and Jay, and we were up looking for Uncle Jake... uh, newest Uncle Jake, I mean, and we checked the bar and we found a new rift just outside it!”

[In the background] “Tell them it leads to a town.”

“Yeah, okay. It leads to a town-”

[Muffled but audible] “The outskirts of it anyway. It was a bit of a walk.”

"Yeah, but it wasn't too bad. But I dunno what town it is, I didn't see any signs anywhere and there weren’t any obvious landmarks that I could see. It just looked like a town.”

“Not a big town though.”

“No, it wasn’t that big. Maybe we should have asked some of the people where it was?”

“We could always go back? They seemed welcoming at least.”

“Yeah. And the hardware store I saw looked pretty good.”

“And the supermarket. Tell them about that. And the other stores.”

“Yeah, there’s a grocery store that seems pretty big, and the pies they had in the bakery looked real good. And there’s a book store and some clothes stores, a drug stor-”

[Quieter than before, as if Jay has wandered further away from Tommy] “Don’t forget the pet store.”

“There’s a pet store.” [Slightly irritated-sounding]

“And I guess people would want to know about the bar and club... Or the farm, at least it looked like a farm... ”

“And there’s a...” [Tommy trails off for a moment] “Jay. Do you want to tell people directly?”

“No. Why?”

“So I’m just gonna repeat everything you say?”

[Muttered] “If you just said everything first, maybe I wouldn’t have to remind you of stuff.”

Jan. 29th, 2018


Signs of Spring are getting more and more obvious here. Keeps making me think it's much later in the year than it actually is.

Although, it's nice to be able to stay outside longer without people worrying you're gonna freeze.

Dec. 27th, 2017


Backdated to start of December

Hey guys, I found something new that might appeal to some.

[Posts picture of small pine forest]

Anyone want a natural Christmas Tree?

Sep. 5th, 2017


Text to Tommy

Hey, you know your thing? The talking to electricity and stuff. What was it like when it first started?

Aug. 29th, 2017


Text to Rhi and Family [Backdated to day after Narnia Rift appeared]

Guess where the new rift goes to?


[Backdated to day after Narnia Rift appears]

There's a new rift. It's by the lagoon. I had a quick look through.

Jun. 17th, 2017


Slightly backdated to Wednesday night - Open to all Spider Victims

[If awake, the images and panic and fear will filter over the side-effect link.
However, If asleep, others' dreams will morph into the following frightening, claustrophobic nightmare:

He could hear it. Scuttling and clacking in the gloom. Waiting. But that wasn't the worst thing. He was pinned. He couldn't move, the dead held him down. Hollow eyes stared. Grey, rotting flesh pulled taut to reveal skeletal features. The scent of decay caught in his throat and made him gag.

A creak followed a cracking. The corpse's head moved and a bony hand closed around his throat. Oh god. Get it off. Get it off. Somebody.

The ground beneath him moved. No, not the ground. More dead. Swarming, pulling, dragging him down beneath them. NO! No. Please.


May. 16th, 2017


Texts to Jay and Jake


* Your tracker's stopped broadcasting. What's up?

* Hello? I sent this 5 minutes ago.

* Uncle Jake? Reply please!

[three attempts at phoning]

Jay (sent at the same times as he texted Jake)

* What's wrong with Jake's tracker? It's stopped broadcasting. Let me know if it's stopped working.

* Jay? Helloooooooooo?

* I broke your bug tank

[three attempts at phoning, alternated with phoning Jake]

Apr. 18th, 2017


Also backdated (morning of 11th)

Has everyone seen this note Harry left on the notice board? [photo of Harry's note]

Since when does stuff follow us back through a door tear?

Also, hello new person!

Mar. 29th, 2017



I'm Jyn.

I keep thinking about these Abberations that were mentioned on the network and the world through the tear. There could be more people in need of help. If I were to venture through the tear and look, would anyone come with me?

Mar. 28th, 2017


Text to Tommy

Where are you?

Mar. 15th, 2017


[Backdated to day after the forcefields]

I'm so not eating seaweed for ages.

Feb. 25th, 2017


Posted after Jake's earlier photo-post

[The same photo of the large herbivore from the previous post]

People, Izzy and I have a question for you. This guy above needs a name, and Izzy said he reminds her of Nessie. So our possible names are:

NiNessie. (means "like Nessie")

Nessie-mune (means "Nessie-two")

Nessie-muve (means "Second Nessie")

Mipnessie (means "New Nessie")

Pick which one you like best! Rutxe si Irayo.

Feb. 23rd, 2017


Banshee thought I needed to go swimming today, so that was great. Nothing ate me, although I did get nibbled at by a nosy whatever the hell this is, because Banshee threw me into a load of weeds and this guy was in the middle of his lunch.

[Photo of some largish herbivore-type water creature snuffling about and hoovering up weeds]

This lot also live in the lagoon.

[Photos of lots of different little fish]

[Photo of a lizardy thing]

[Photo of a slimy thing with eyes]

I did a lot of swimming about under the water, and I didn't see anything that looked like a predator or a lot of little predators. So at the minute, I'm gonna say the Lagoon is okay for swimming in?

Also, here are more photos.

[Photos of the beach from the cliffs along to the edge of the jungle]

[Photos following the path from the beach to the lagoon and building]

[Photo looking down at the buildng]

[Photo of a little bit of the jungle]

Also also, Banshee's an asshole but we all knew this.


Posted this morning

Going exploring in the jungle! Those trees ain't gonna climb themselves, which is a really weird mental image I've given you.

Jay, I will take photos and samples and do maps as best I can, and I even got a book to put everything in for you. I am your best uncle.

I'll be back by sunset!

Feb. 13th, 2017


Posted earlier in the day

Happy birthday to me!

Feb. 10th, 2017


Backdated to after her arrival.

Hello people of the new island! Have we given it a name yet? I met Uncle Jake on the beach and he told me there's even more of my fellow Sullys here! Awesome! I missed all of you, Sullys and Non-Sullys. I was away from our home too and so much happened, I don't know what to tell you all first. How are all of you? I hope everyone's good.

For those who don't know me, I'm Sookie Sully.

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