Jun. 26th, 2017


Text to Malc, Lacey, Abigail and Dmitri (Backdated like hell to 5th June)

I know a fuck load of shit has been going on lately. But, it's Max's birthday on Friday. And she's going to be 30. So, how about you lot help me with a surprise party for her?

Any ideas just fucking throw them at me and I'll tell you if it's a shit idea or not.

Also, don't be a dick and tell her.

Apr. 9th, 2017


I can never be arsed with being tactful or shit like that.

People who worry about supplies, food and booze and other shit all good but get some fucking condoms next time.

Apr. 8th, 2017


text to Max, Lacey and Dimitri

Ladies and gent, we need to find a proper venue. I don't want any more drunks on my doorstep.

Mar. 31st, 2017


Failed filter to New Jake

Fuuuuck. I wish I'd been drunk enough to earn this. At least Dr. Cuddy's okay. Abigail's worse than me, and Kerry's real bad. I don't want to get anywhere near to 'real bad'.

How're things outside in the real world?

Mar. 27th, 2017


My apartment needs a warming, apparently.

This evening. Bring yourself, bring a bottle, bring a friend, bring your best cupcakes, come empty handed... All welcomed.

[Filtered to Max, Anders, Lacey, Malcolm & Abigail]

And you, in particular.


Privet, hello, good day.

I'm Dmitri Prokovich Razumikhin, and I do believe I have some friend here already.

And for these I don't know yet, I looking forward to this changing soon.