Dec. 16th, 2012


Who: Rynda and Torunn
What: Nothing like a scheduled Danger Room session and some friendly competition to relieve stress
When: Late afternoon
Where: Danger Room
Rating: Probably no higher than PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Let's make a wager )

Dec. 7th, 2012


Who: Open to students and residents that won't rat on them! (adults can eventually crash in)
What: A time of merriment!
When: Friday, 12/07/20
Where: The Bunker
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete
Drink to the truth of steel
and blood that falls like rain.
Drink to Valhalla's golden walls
and to our kinsmen, slain.

Drink to the Glory-field
where a man embraces death, and
thank the gods that we live at all
with our joyous dying breath!

Drink for the wind blows cold and
Drink for the Wolf runs free
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings
for Odin's sons are we! )

Nov. 15th, 2012


Who: Snotra and Torunn
What: Torunn questions Snotra about why she's here
When: November 17th, 10am
Where: Kitchen
Rating: PG more than likely
Status: Complete

Instinct to her to expect Torunn, and her instincts were never wrong )
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Oct. 22nd, 2012


Who: Exalted
What: Training session turned sour.
When: 6:15AM sharp, Monday
Where: The Sewers
Rating: R for violent imagery
Status: Narrative; open to team narrative replies

It was a message left for the Morlocks, in retaliation to their riot. )

Oct. 21st, 2012


Who: Torunn and HazardDexter
What: Costume shopping!
When: Monday evening
Where: The mall
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

Remind me why we are about to embark into a...portal of terror? )
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Oct. 17th, 2012


Who: Torunn and Igus
What: Reunion
When: 10/17, evening
Where: Kitchen
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

I demand an explanation of your presence here! )
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Sep. 4th, 2012


New arrival

Who: Rynda "Warsong" Neramani-Summers and Torunn
When: September 4th, late morning onward
Where: Xavier Institute
Rating: Probably no higher than PG-13
Status: Complete

The new kid on the planet )

Aug. 31st, 2012


Who: Everyone (please tag yourself)
What: Homecoming! Formal attire mandatory.
When: 08/31, 9PM - about 1AM
Where: Back of the school campus
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

At least the students would have this night to enjoy themselves. )

Jul. 28th, 2012


Who: Torunn and Stefan
What: Just a little friendly coffee break
When: Backdated.. last week.
Format: Gdoc, Completed
Frigga be damned if he didn’t uphold that promise: his family jewels were in jeopardy. )

Jul. 2nd, 2012




The students are greeted with a tropical paradise setting. The sun is shining warmly, the sand is soft and white, and the waves that crashed gently against the shore created a rhythmic symphony with the wind that slipped through the palm trees. It was eerily calm and serene, anyone would have wanted to just pull up onto the beach and soak their feet in the warm, clear blue waters. But this wasn't a vacation or even a break from reality. This was a training session. Their goal was to extract an ancient relic that lay several leagues under water. If they stayed on the shore for too long, they would be attacked by a mutant tribe of Haitian houdou warriors that summoned the dead to do their bidding. Should anyone be touched or scratched by their flesh, they'd fall ill with a curse and immediately be disable from the scenario. If the team moved fast enough, they could make it into the water where they would have to dive deep below to a sunken ruins with several dangers set up in place. The relic was in the middle, a golden cup. Surface with it and all teammates within an hour and the scenario would be over. Lose a teammate and the scenario could continue, but the danger level would increase with each member disabled until none remained or the cup reached the surface. Good luck.


When the door to the danger room was opened, team Phantom would be greeted with stone. The ground was made of large cobblestones that matched the material of the wall that stood before them that spanned at least thirty feet into the air where it touched a stone ceiling. The only light offered was from candles that sat in cast iron holsters secured deeply into the walls, leaving the place dimly lit, but enough for the team to see ahead of them until the next candle lit a small area. The air was chilled and thick with moisture as if they were in a cave deep underground with a source of water, puddles in corners making noise whenever something dripped down from the ceiling. They could start going left or right, but they would have to continue making these decisions through the entire maze. There was no right or wrong way to go, and no center. They too, needed to find a golden cup that was carefully hidden within one of the chambers of the stone maze. Walls could shift and alter if they were too far off the path, and doors could be found that lead to short cuts, dead ends, or challenges such as giant spiders and snakes or humanoid enemies that could incapacitate teammates. Along the way, they would encounter booby traps that could also disable teammates. Their goal was to retrieve the cup and exit the maze with all of the teammates. The only equipment they possess is what they left the locker rooms with. Lose a teammate and the scenario could continue, but the danger level would increase with each member disabled until none remained or the cup left the arena.


Not a cloud could be seen in the sky as team Vaðlaheið stepped onto the platform at the entrance of the danger room. The ground could not be seen either. One more step and they would plummet downwards onto what looked like an island speck surrounded by water. If they looked up, they would see more sky, and if they dared to go higher, they would find themselves in space eventually, the sky darkening with altitude. There was a platform several miles away. In fact, there were several platforms that lightly littered the sky. Each one could have a challenge, and each one could be an opportunity for rest. A team that could seemingly work well together needed a new reason to test their limits. Like the other challenges, they were required to retrieve a golden cup and return it down to land. However, several more miles away lies their goal inside the belly of mighty emerald dragon resting on her platform. Like most dragons of lore, this beast was intelligent, cruel, and magic resistant, and along with breathing fire, could sacrifice the large scales on her body and transform them into dragonlings to plague and disable the teammates with venom. The emerald dragon also possessed a spell known as Dragon Fear, which casts a shadow of pure fear and doubt in her enemy's mind, causing them to run away for five minutes. Lose a teammate and the scenario could continue, but the danger level would increase with each member disabled until none remained or the cup finally touched land.

These scenarios and this format of implied play is to help move team development plots along. Please comment here with what you feel your character would do, and discuss, argue, or work with the other players as to how the scenario would end. Any injuries or butthurt feelings should be expressed here. Think of this as like a tabletop game. Verbally command OOCly what your character would do in such a situation: would they work as a team? Separate? Do something heroic? Do something cowardly? Challenge your character to something that is opposite of their strength. Can they overcome it or are the overwhelmed? The choice is yours and yours alone... along with your team.

Advisers, feel free to step in and offer guidance or alter the scenario if your character would during the training.

Each team receives their training scenario on their usual day of training. A: Monday, B: Wednesday, C: Thursday. Any questions, comments, concerns can also be expressed here. Remember, have fun! :D

Jun. 24th, 2012


Who: Torunn
What: Have you ever seen a god argue with the trees?
When: Sunday morning
Where: Outside
Rating: G
Status: Narrative
Little did she know, oaks were as particularly proud and stubborn as she. )

Jun. 9th, 2012


Who: Everyone
What: The first massive terrorist attack in at least 15 years.
When: 11am, 6/10/2020
Where: Washington, D.C.
Rating: R for violence.

Jun. 5th, 2012


Who: Jake and Torunn (Though open to all those voyers out there that want to post some reactions to the destruction and specticle about to take place)
What: Charging up his armor and having a training session together
When: Tuesday 6/5 afternoon
Where: School grounds
Rating: Potential Language
Dispite all this three team garbage Jake knew he didn't trust half his team as far as he could throw them without his suit. )

May. 20th, 2012


Who: Chris and Torunn
What: Sword training.
When: Sunday, afternoon.
Where: Outside, near the fountain.
Rating: PG-13 for violence and possible swearing.
Her opinions on matters were not worth being heard by the ears of the human students. )