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Dec. 21st, 2012


Who: Jay and Joe
What: Brawl: it's been a long time comin'
When: Dec 18, 2020
Where: Outside on campus
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

Joe and Jay had been butting heads ever since they met )

Dec. 16th, 2012


Who: Snotra
What: There are things that require intervention. Snotra begins moving people into place like chess pieces on a board
When: December 17th, morning
Where: Infirmary
Rating: PG-13
Status: Narrative

Dance, puppets, dance! )


Who: Rynda and Torunn
What: Nothing like a scheduled Danger Room session and some friendly competition to relieve stress
When: Late afternoon
Where: Danger Room
Rating: Probably no higher than PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Let's make a wager )

Dec. 10th, 2012


Who: Jay and Jo
What: Eatin fuckin pancakes.
When: ~9am, 12/11/20
Where: Waffle House in Westchester
Rating: pg-13
Status: incomplete

Joe wouldn't notice his truck missing for a few hours, right? )

Dec. 9th, 2012


Who: Igus & NPCs
What: He gets mead for the party. Lots of trouble.
When: Thursday-Friday night, very late night 11pm-2AM, before the party ever happens.
Where: Westchester, nearby. Specialized alcohol shop.
Rating: +15. Involves crime and such.
Status: Another narrative! Complete.

How else does Lokison get so much booze? )

Dec. 8th, 2012


Who: Chris & Ash
What: Hanging out
When: 12/08/20, evening
Where: The Bunker
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

He wanted to be with the X-Men doing X-Men things. )

Dec. 7th, 2012


Who: Agon
What: Getting his head together, mainly for the holidays. Monitoring.
When: Dec. 7th
Where: Xavier grounds
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative. Very Short.

Trying to adjust to the 'new' grounds )


Who: Open to students and residents that won't rat on them! (adults can eventually crash in)
What: A time of merriment!
When: Friday, 12/07/20
Where: The Bunker
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete
Drink to the truth of steel
and blood that falls like rain.
Drink to Valhalla's golden walls
and to our kinsmen, slain.

Drink to the Glory-field
where a man embraces death, and
thank the gods that we live at all
with our joyous dying breath!

Drink for the wind blows cold and
Drink for the Wolf runs free
Drink to the ships with the sails like wings
for Odin's sons are we! )


Who: Asher and Elena
What: Catching up
When: 12/7/20
Where: Elena's favorite coffee shop
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

The town of Westchester wasn't the biggest out there, but he liked it compared to the craziness and business of the city. )

Dec. 5th, 2012


Who: Asher
What: Shattering one last time.
When: 12/4/2020
Where: Medlab
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete, Narrative

You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium. )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Who: Igus, NPCs
What: During/Aftermath of Sentinel attack
When: Erm, whenever that stuff happened (Late November?)
Where: Xavier grounds.
Rating: NC-17. (Death)
Status: Complete, narrative.
Who's got the popcorn? )

Nov. 26th, 2012


Who: Honeybee, Shatter, Jinx (+ Devil Dinosaur & Moon-Boy)
What: After being freed by William, they make their way through the Jungle to Ka-Zar
When: 11/26/2020
Where: Zarhan
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

they were forced to step up and act like X-Men )

Nov. 17th, 2012


Who: Igus and OPEN (Multiply players welcomed! New players also welcomed!!)
What: Snowball fight!!
When: Today; during the afternoon!
Where: Outside, backyard at Xavier's!
Rating: PG 13 (I expect some cussing from some characters!)
Status: Incomplete

It's the most wonderful time...of the year...! )

Nov. 15th, 2012


Who: Snotra and Torunn
What: Torunn questions Snotra about why she's here
When: November 17th, 10am
Where: Kitchen
Rating: PG more than likely
Status: Complete

Instinct to her to expect Torunn, and her instincts were never wrong )
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Nov. 14th, 2012


Who: Igus & NPCs
What: Snow, snow, and more snow. 50 inches of it; all over the school ground.
When: November 16th; Friday night, around 8pm.
Where: Xavier's school ground and surrounding area.
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative

A Snow Day for everyone! )

Nov. 11th, 2012


Who: Drifter, Glacier, Honeybee, Warsong, Jinx, Terra, Shatter [open to 2-3 more characters!]
What: The Savage Lands
When: Sunday, 9pm, 2020
Where: Pangea, Antarctica
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress



Who: Bliss & those going to the savage lands
What: Chaos magic at work during movie night
When: 11/11, 8pm
Where: Student lounge
Rating: G
Status: Complete--narrative
OOC Note: Please comment to this post if your character will be sent to the Savage Lands. Main plot will be posted tonight. One character per player.

Unfortunately chaos magic or anything that could warp reality with just a suggestion often chose to work at the wrong time. )

Nov. 10th, 2012


Who: Jay and Maddie
What: "Working"
When: Saturday morning
Where: Rec Room
Rating: PG-13
Status: incomplete

Ben was right. )
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Nov. 4th, 2012


Responsibility (flashback)

Who: Rynda, Emperor Vulcan and the Imperial Guard
What: A mistake and some bad timing leads to Rynda getting hurt. Her father is furious and demands to know who is responsible.
When: Four years ago
Where: The Aerie
Rating: PG-13 for description of injuries and death threats
Status: Backstory narrative

It would please your Emperor to know who he needs to kill for this. Who is responsible? )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


Who: Igus and various NPCs
What: It's Hallowe'en and he wants his damn candies. Mention of sister.
When: Hallowe'en night
Where: In town
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative

A wolf-man costume seemed appropriate. )

Oct. 27th, 2012


Who: Ullo & Mouth
What: Drinking at a bar
When: Saturday night, Oct. 27th
Where: In town, at the local
Rating: PG (+14) -- I reckon it'll get rowdy.
Status: Incomplete

The Doc likes a drink at a place that's always busy )

Oct. 24th, 2012


Who: Maddie, special appearance by Jay.
What: Interrogation
When: October 23rd.
Where: Somewhere in the mansion or underneath.
Rating: G.
Status: Narrative.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... )
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Oct. 23rd, 2012


|[ WHO ]| Glacier
|[ WHERE ]| The mansion
|[ WHEN ]| Tuesday, October 23 | 2:16 PM
|[ WHAT ]| Contemplation of sorts
|[ STATUS ]| Open | In Progress

After all of that, all Delaney really wanted was a stiff drink, a good training session or a good swim. )

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Who: Minim & Adonis
What: Saira is informed of Willow's death and seeks out Warren
When: 10/22, afternoon
Where: Campus
Rating: PG 13
Status: complete

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. )


Who: Snotra and Bliss
What: A magical meeting
When: Backdated to Wednesday afternoon, October 17th
Where: Library
Rating: Probably no higher than PG
Status: Complete

Chaotic good, meet chaotic good )
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