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Oct. 2nd, 2011


August/September Nominations Post!

Since all of the comments we got about awards were positive, we've decided to go ahead and put in awards for this game to give back to you players for being, well, awesome! The way that we'll do nominations and voting is as follows:

Each month a post like this will go up in the OOC community letting you know it's time to nominate scenes and characters. The nominations will be visible to everyone so that you can see that other players think you're pretty awesome. Voting will take place at the end of every month and awards will come out sometime at the beginning of the next month. Voting posts will be screened. This is a means to show our appreciation - and for each of you to show your appreciation - for each and every player in this game.

The nomination categories are located here. Please feel free to nominate as many times as you'd like for as many different categories as you like.

This months awards will span for any scene that was posted from the start of the game up until the 30th of September.

Thank you and Happy voting!


Mod Note!

In 24 hours we will be post up an event for Saturday night. We'd like if all scenes that are prior to Saturday night would be posted before this plot update goes up. So, please if you have scenes Monday - Saturday Afternoon put up placeholders so their spots are saved. Thank you!

Ebony & Crystal
The mods


Oct. 1st, 2011


Fuckin ow!

Hey all, Ebony here. So, I went and ran my foot over with a several hundred pound trolley today at work. Im all looped on pain meds and out of it, but i should be around tonight after i get some sleep. But hey, time off work for me! Anyhoo, everyone i owe tags to, I'll hit those later on and anyone else want some scenes i have some free time so now's the time!

<3 Ebony

Sep. 29th, 2011


Question for the masses

Hello wonderful players! Mods here with a question. But first, we want to say thank you guys SO much for making The Supernatural Next Door such a rousing success! We have great players, great muses, and we're just so happy you're all enjoying this as much as we are!

Now, onto the question! Do you lovelies want to start doing monthly awards? Just something for fun, nothing to get competitive over, but we thought it would be a nice way for some player and character appreciation! So, let us know!

Da Mods (Ebony & Crystal)


Sep. 25th, 2011


Hey all,

I'm Sophia coming from South Carolina (unfortunately, God, someone get me back to Georgia). I have a character to introduce, but I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm currently a student (have been pretty much all of my life) I'm working on my MA in English literature at Clemson University, where I also work, so on weekdays my days are usually spent on campus, Mondays are the only days I can think of where I'll probably go straight from school to bed, so I should be pretty available in the evenings. Otherwise, let's see... I'm an avid argentine tango dancer, and to that end I'll actually be gone all of this weekend in Augusta for their tango festival, but otherwise I should be constantly available on weekends since I'm not a football fan (unlike the rest of the town -_____-) (Also, don't mind my lame layout, I'm going to fix that some time this week hopefully, because it makes me sad. Also going to find a better cut quote for my character profile, but not RIGHT now because I was too excited to introduce myself to bother with those details.

Sooo, this is Cezelia, a Water Elemental from New Orleans. She loves surrounding herself with people, finding new "friends" and such, but she can be pretty difficult to get along. She basically NEVER wakes up before 5:00 in the evening because she works as a jazz and blues singer, so 5 pm is pretty much the morning for her. She likes to invite people over and usually encourages them to open up to her, but she's pretty capricious person so she may begin as really open and ready to listen and then by the end be completely cold and distant. She's kind of a strange mix of secretive, life of the party, good listener sometimes, but horrible about reciprocating with information about herself--and if she does give information it's definitely questionable whether she's telling the truth. If you can live with that then she'll definitely go the distance as a friend--and by that I mean if you fight with her she'll probably call you the next day and act like it didn't happen, uhh... forgive and forget? She definitely needs people to set to work on her and start developing her character since she's doing a piss poor job of it on her own in spite of what she thinks.

As I said, many of her evenings are spent singing, and when she's out she's definitely social so maybe that's one place where she's meeting people? I've been contemplating how she's handling walking to her gigs or to buses to get to her gigs late in the evening, what with vampires and stuff, so she's toying with the idea of being someone's human in order to gain that protection, but when I say toying I really don't see her committing to it, but it's definitely one of those realities she's actively having to deal with, and I wouldn't mind brainstorming how she deals with having such an active nightlife, no personal transportation, and pretty benign magical abilities.

Anyway, I guess that's enough about me and my character, we're looking forward to hearing from you!

Sep. 24th, 2011


Hi there! Mish here again with another new muse.

This is Viola, and she's a vampire. Pretty demented and evil. Plus, she's part of the vampires that murdered Cathair's family back in Ireland. Erm, she's Scottish, so she does have the nice pretty accent to go along with her tormenting ways. She also is here to mainly torment the poor man, though she is available to torment others as well xD. So, if anyone's kidlets are looking to be used to her advantage, or just want some possibly scary rp fun, she's your girl!

Plot is always welcome, with her or any of my other kidlets here. Just let me know!


Greetings from Belgium! My name is Steph and I'm currently studying to be a librarian. So said studies make me a little unavailable on Sunday evenings and Mondays (because I have to take the bus at 'oh my God in the morning to get to class'), but other than that, I'm almost always on AIM. (Iamabelgian).

I bring before you a muse known as Todd Warner. Todd, vampire, is many things rolled in one. Rom, acrobat, carny, confederate soldier and union soldier, southern gentleman, cowboy, to put down a few. He honestly gets along with almost everyone, but the question will be, can you get along with him? ;)

He's been in Toronto before, during the 1940's, so maybe some vampires would remember him from then? But I'm down for any plot you can give me. :D

Sep. 21st, 2011


Scenes! Gimme!

Hey all, Ebony here, whoring myself out for some scenes! I wanna get those new players on the boards and I have a looooong list of people ripe for interaction! Savannah, Dani, Josslyn, Julianna, Rupert, Alanna, Mouse, Zoey, Kora, Elizabeth, MAddie, Prudence, and Ophelia. (I think that's all of them XD). I'm happy to play with anyone about anything!

Hit me up on aim Ebony Scarlett J or email or leave a comment! I likes plots!

<3 Ebony

Sep. 11th, 2011


24 Hour Warning

Just wanted to let everyone know that the time update will go up at some point tomorrow, so you've about twenty-four hours left for this game week. Please go ahead and get your placeholders up before then to save a spot for the scenes you've got going or want to complete for this week.

Sep. 10th, 2011


Evening all!

I'm Tracy, and Cait dragged me here. It's her fault! Anyways, I'm bringing Ed to the game. He's English, he's telekinetic (and only found out just after Christmas so he's about as skilled with it as an elephant trying to use chopsticks with its feet) and best of all, he currently works in a Timmy Ho's! Timbits all round \o/

His application is here :D

As for me, I'm in Ireland, so that's GMT, and my contact details are as follows:

gmail/gdocs: scriblix @ gmail daht com

AIM: SayNoToZombies

I am all for plots and random chatting in journals and all sorts. Bring it! ;D

Sep. 7th, 2011


Mod Annoucement

Hi there lovely players! We mods need some assistance from ya'll. If everyone could post their character's birthdays here for us so we can make up a nice, organized list of everyone's birthdays in the mod journal for our time updates. Thanks!

~Teh Mods: Ebony & Crystal


Hello! I'm Nomes, and Cait dragged me here.

This is Lydia. She's a telepath, an artist, a trust-fund kid, and incredibly cranky and antisocial. I look forward to having people annoy her out of her hermitude. My contact info is on the appropriate entry, and I'm on EST. Also, right now I'm waiting for my new computer to show up, so my access is a bit spotty, but feel free to shoot me an email if you don't see me on AIM to discuss plot and threads. :D


Hi there everyone :D This is Mish again with another kidlet.

Meet River, she's a witch that will be coming into game soon (she's gotta make the trip from Michigan to Canada still). She's going to work for the Vampire Queen Elizabeth :D She's been trained and conditioned for it her whole life.

Oh, and she's blind, from a horrible accident with a spell gone wrong when she was younger. She's a bit off her rocker too, but she tries to hide it well enough.

Any other plot would be nice too! When she isn't wrapped up in secret business for the Queen xD

Sep. 6th, 2011


Hey there, I'm Cait!

I bring you Gabriel Callahan, the were-panther. Despite his size, he is more then capable of taking care of himself (he's a bouncer), and you might take mind to not have your characters touch him. He has a lovely little aversion to touch. He's slightly anti-social but he's working on that, so if he's awkward while talking to your kiddos, it's expected.

If you'd like plot, check out his history and lemmie know!
You can catch me on yourrockofages (can get texting on this one) or caitsauce on aim.

Hope to play with you guys soon!


Hey, I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't purposefully join the game and then immediately go AWOL. My part of Texas has been on fire all weekend and we're currently sitting around waiting for an evacuation order which might never come, which has been pretty stressful and is cutting down on my ability to concentrate enough to write. I'm really sorry. :(

Sep. 5th, 2011


Mod Announcement

We have decided that the time update for the new game week will be on Monday, September 12th. Everyone seems to be getting close to the end of the game week. This first week was a little longer than the usual three weeks, in order to give everyone time to adjust to the new game. There will be a twenty-four hour warning on Sunday to remind you all once more that the update will take place.

Sep. 3rd, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm Mish and I'm new *gasp* I'm on the est timezone. But I'm on quite often, so you can reach me pretty much anytime! If you want to get a hold of me, the easiest is probably through aim @ lastbloodtears And I bring you Dante's little sister Antoinette ([info]lostlittlecat) !

She's trouble for the most part, partaking in drugs and alcohol. And she's a flirt, and always thinks she should get her way. She's also a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to her emotions, and add in the fact that she nearly lies about everything.

I'm down for what ever plot that anyone wants to bring around her. I'm the type of person that would really agree to anything, short of killing her, though I have been known to do things like that if it helps move plot along, lol.

Thanks for having me here!

Sep. 2nd, 2011


Hi there! I’m Ebony, one of the mods here and I have a stupidly long list of characters. I figured it was time I did a proper OOC post for myself. I'm a 24 year old single mom who's been roleplaying for over a decade. I have a wacky work schedule but I make time for the internets daily. My aim is Ebony Scarlett J and my email is Ever have any questions or wanna plot, feel free to hit me up!

Now, onto my muses!

We have Elizabeth Leventhorpe [ [info]torontosqueen ], the self proclaimed vampire Queen of Toronto. She’s been around for over 400 years and is not someone to be messed with. All vampires within Toronto and it’s outlying areas answer to her.

Josslyn Anderson [ [info]washawayyears> ] is a 17 year old vampire, newly made. She’s the ward of Jacob [ [info]plantationvamp ] just learning how to live her new life as a vampire. She’s a sweet girl for all her life has been pure shit.

Kora Swann [ [info]speechlesswolf ] is a mute werewolf from Colorado. She was adopted by wereswans, her mother giving her up to save her life from her alpha with a Spartan way of thinking. She knows nothing of her true family. She lives with Kavin [ [info]talkinginmyhead ] and goes to the University of Toronto.

Prudence McCauly [ [info]iwllshowyou ]. She was kidnapped by Macha, though in the end Prudence is a more than willing captive and has plenty of freedom.

Alanna Kingsly [ [info]intothedark_ ] is a 17 year old human. She goes to Branksome Hall, a swanky private school and is a poet. She had recently made friends with the new kid, Lucas [ [info]illfollowyou ] and is eagerly awaiting the start of her senior year.

Maddie Hall [ [info]highoffoflove ] is the wife of Anthony Hall [ [info]drunkfrommyhate ] and an empath. Her and her husband have one terrible relationship rife with abuse, but they truly love one another and would die for one another. Maddie is a painter.

Julianna Moore [ [info]_witchywoman ] i the fiancee of Adam Berkowitz [ [info]tkdoc ]. She is a witch with a degree in library sciences though she had yet to find work in her field. She lives as a housewife for now, taking care of her scatterbrained future husband.

Ophelia Lasko [ [info]_forgettheworld ] is a human hunter from a long line of hunters. She is the youngest and only girl of four, though she is closet with her youngest brother Elias [ [info]itsuddenlyhitme ]. She is at odds with her family as she believes only those supernaturals that hurt humans should die, not all of the,

And lastly but certainly not least, Danielle Thompkins [ [info]dntfearthereapr ] is a reaper. She ushers the souls of the dead off to wherever it is they go. Her mentor Aidan Gallagher [ [info]_fearthereaper ] is also her former boyfriend whom she thought was dead.

Aug. 27th, 2011


"I was really excited about smashing the patriarchy until I found out it wasn't a building"

Hello! I'm Owl and I'm new here. I've been roleplaying for about nine years, mostly OCs and mostly in small groups. I'm on AIM as disenchantmentln but I'm fairly shy until I've gotten to know you - I'm glad to chat, and I'm sorry in advance for awkward pauses! I'm a New Yorker living in Texas, and I prefer male pronouns.

My character is Clyde. His bio can be read here. He's a fire elemental who wants to live up to his name by becoming the People's Criminal (a la Bonnie and) or otherwise by doing something Really Important That People Will Remember Him For. He also wants to have coffee without worrying about whether it's fair trade, and to generally promote his understanding of Ecological and Social Justice. I hope he will find things to do and people to interact with here!

Aug. 21st, 2011


Two more for Dee

Because I am just not happy unless I am competing for 'Biggest Character Whore'. Also, Crystal is an evil enabler. So you all can blame her for resurrecting Isis' muse. ;p

Anyway, first of all, the cat is back. In all her bitchy, scheming, three finger snap attitude glory. Her bio is here. You can start pitying Niko now, because she's going to put the boy through hell. ;)

And the other one is Cathair Delaney. His bio is here. He and a his daughter are new the to area. He just bought the bookshop Connor works at, so they'll be meeting here pretty quick.

Anybody wants to play with either of them, they're welcome to them.

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