Aug. 21st, 2012


Now introducing Mr. and Mrs. Delaney.

Alright guys, time for our first scene roulette :) This one will be a little different than any we've done in the past for those of you who have been around during the times when we've done them before.

Since Becky and Cathair's wedding is such a big event and included a great number of the characters currently in game, we paired them off randomly for run ins at the reception. Each pairing will bump into each other in one way or another at the party after the big wedding and you can either use this thread to do your scene or you are welcome to create a new thread. Also, if you'd like to do other non-scene roulette scenes you may post those as separate threads as well. This is to expand your characters' horizons and help them make friends by throwing them together randomly. The pairings are as follows.

Darcy and Cleo
Josh and Sadhbh
Chloe and Colin
Becky and Artemis
Dante and Carr
Bill and Jayne
Tony and Mateo
Max and Ashlee
Astrid and Katya
Cathair and Pasha

denotes that this pairing's scene has started

Good Luck and Happy Scening!

Who: Becky and Cathair and a vast number of wedding guests
What: The wedding reception
When: 12.12.12 - Wednesday Late Afternoon and on
Where: A local reception hall
Warnings: It's an Irish wedding with booze. Enough said.

You're nobody til somebody loves you )

Aug. 18th, 2012


Finally There

Who: Becky and Colin
What: Pre-wedding sibling talk
When: 12.12 - Wednesday Morning
Where: The bride's dressing room
Warning: None

Don't tell Mom I pulled a fast one on her. )

Aug. 12th, 2012


Sleepy Kitty

Who: Cleo and Colin
What: Commiserating about being forced to wear a suit
When: 12.7 - Friday evening
Where: Matthews' Residence
Warning: None

I'll make you purr )

September 2012



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