New World Order

A Marvel Heroes Roleplay

6/26/08 05:34 pm - [info]nwo_mod

Hey guys! Just letting you know there have been some changes to the contact list, adding AIM names and the like, so remember to add journals and players!

Here is the list, and remember, it's friendlocked!

And new players, remember to introduce yourselves in the newworldorder comm!

6/26/08 02:35 am - [info]nwo_whitequeen

Guys, the Remy/Wolverine/Logan had me choking on pizza! That shit was hot, and HILARIOUS!


6/24/08 11:58 pm - [info]nwo_scarlet

Hey! My name is Mel and I bring you Wanda Maximoff. For now, she's pretty stable, but y'all better be careful cuz she can lose a screw at any moment. :)

I'm always up for plotting, so give me a buzz on AIM at Octothingy.

I'm glad to be here and can't wait to get started! XD

6/24/08 03:41 am - [info]nwo_captain


So I suck at getting my intro posts done because I keep writing and writing and don't seem to know when to stop. ARGH!! But I thought I'd say hey anyhow, even though I've mostly met everyone.

My name is Mary, my AIM is SplashTheWine, and I'm playing Remy LeBeau, Steve Rogers, Kurt Wagner, and Frank Castle. So IM me if you wanna do anything with any of them, or if you just wanna talk. I'm looking forward to playing with you guys!!

6/24/08 02:20 am - [info]nwo_mod - Posting

So it looks like we've had a bit of confusion regarding where various posts go and all that. Therefore, a clarification!

*waits for cheering to die down*

Okay, I'll try to make this simple, but feel free to ask questions in the comments if I get too convoluted or weird.

Tags - This is when two or more people roleplay a scene between their characters. It can take place over AIM or in the comments of the journal itself. All tags should be posted in the appropriate community. ([info]nwo_shield for S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliated characters, and [info]nwo_xmen for X-Men affiliated characters) All tags should be placed behind a cut.

3rd Person Posts - This is when you write a stand-alone for the character in the third person, so that it reads like a short fic. These should also be posted in the appropriate communities. Long ones should be placed behind a cut.

1st Person Posts - This is when you write a post as though your character were writing in a journal. None of the other characters can see these posts, but we encourage you to make them anyhow, as it provides the players with interesting insights into what your characters are thinking.

Contact Posts - If your character should want to contact others, they can do so by posting a bulletin or an 'email' to specific characters. All contact posts should go in the communities as well.

Hopefully, that clears everything up! One other thing, though, if you guys would be kind enough. It will be an immense help to me when I do the weekly round-ups if all of the RP posts have some sort of header on them. You can check out this tag for a guideline.

Now back to your regularly scheduled awesome!

6/23/08 03:01 pm - [info]nwo_colossus - Intro post!

Helloooo! I'm Nicki, and I play ...deep breath...

Tony Stark/Iron Man
Emma Frost/White Queen
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Might as well start out with a bang, right?

So anyway, I know I've met you all already, but ping me on AIM any time you want to play, or plot, or whatever!


6/23/08 03:36 am - [info]nwo_mod

Hello everyone, and welcome to New World Order!

Okay, so there isn't many of us so far, but there will be!! Here are a few things to note...

  • If you ever need anything, or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact a mod! Our names are Jean and Maree, a we are fairly readily available!

  • Located here is a contact list for players so far. It's friendslocked, and you may have to scroll down a little.

  • You all submitted a first post with your character application, so go ahead and post that in your character journal! (You may of course adjust this as you see fit) Now go, play, have fun! The first few weeks or so will be free play as we build up a few more characters, and then the plot will kick in. You should all have some combat coming your way!

  • Make sure you friend all communities and players involved in the game! It will be easiest to follow the game through your friendlists, as characters will be making posts in their private journal.

  • Most importantly, pimp the game! we're all completely awesome so far, but we could always use some more players right?

      WELCOME AND HAVE FUN! And don't forget to introduce yourselves!

6/19/08 02:15 pm - [info]nwo_mod - Character Profile

Character Profile )

6/19/08 01:41 pm - [info]nwo_mod - Character Application

Application )

All done? Email it to newworldorder_rp at yahoo.

6/19/08 04:03 am - [info]nwo_mod - Requested Characters

Requested Characters

Warren Worthington/Archangel
Sam Guthrie/Cannonball
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Hank McCoy/Beast
Jean Gray/Phoenix
Bobby Drake/Iceman
Alex Summers/Havoc
Paige Guthrie/Husk
Lorna Dane/Polaris
Sean Cassidy/Banshee
Ororo Munroe/Storm
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
Elisabeth Braddock/Psylocke
Moira MacTaggert
Pete Wisdom

Natalia Romanova/Black Widow
Donald Blake/Thor
Hank Pym/Giant Man
Betty Ross

Fantastic Four
Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman
Ben Grimm/The Thing
Johnny Storm/The Human Torch

Peter Parker/Spiderman
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Elektra Natchios/Elektra
Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider

6/19/08 03:55 am - [info]nwo_mod - Taken Characters

Taken Characters

Steve Rogers/Captain America - [info]nwo_captain
Tony Stark/Iron Man - [info]nwo_ironman
Remy LeBeau/Gambit - [info]nwo_gambit
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler - [info]nwo_nghtcrawler
Frank Castle/The Punisher - [info]nwo_punisher
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus - [info]nwo_colossus
Clinton Barton/Hawkeye - [info]nwo_hawkeye
Emma Frost/The White Queen - [info]nwo_whitequeen
Logan/Wolverine - [info]nwo_wolverine
Anna Marie/Rogue - [info]nwo_rogue
Pepper Potts - [info]nwo_potts
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch - [info]nwo_scarlet
Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk - [info]nwo_hulk
James Rhodes/War Machine - [info]nwo_warmachine
Scott Summers/Cyclops - [info]nwo_cyclops

Characters on Hold
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