New World Order

July 13th, 2008

01:31 am - [info]nwo_mod

Hello, kids!

I'm sure you've noticed that we've been MIA recently, and that the plot did not start in a timely fashion like we promised. We've been unavoidably detained by one or more real life problems, but things will get back on track this week.

Plot starts officially on Thursday, and we'll get the details out soon as to what that will entail for each of you.

Your Mods

11:03 pm - [info]nwo_mod

Sorry I'm a day late with this! Things are beginning to settle down, though, and once I get it all put together, I'll make a post about what to expect as we gear up for the plot developments.

Also, we're having a bit of trouble with AIM, so if you see the mod IM signed on, one of us is there, we just can't get the damned Away message to... well, go away.

Round Up Three )
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