New World Order

June 23rd, 2008

03:36 am - [info]nwo_mod

Hello everyone, and welcome to New World Order!

Okay, so there isn't many of us so far, but there will be!! Here are a few things to note...

  • If you ever need anything, or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact a mod! Our names are Jean and Maree, a we are fairly readily available!

  • Located here is a contact list for players so far. It's friendslocked, and you may have to scroll down a little.

  • You all submitted a first post with your character application, so go ahead and post that in your character journal! (You may of course adjust this as you see fit) Now go, play, have fun! The first few weeks or so will be free play as we build up a few more characters, and then the plot will kick in. You should all have some combat coming your way!

  • Make sure you friend all communities and players involved in the game! It will be easiest to follow the game through your friendlists, as characters will be making posts in their private journal.

  • Most importantly, pimp the game! we're all completely awesome so far, but we could always use some more players right?

      WELCOME AND HAVE FUN! And don't forget to introduce yourselves!

03:01 pm - [info]nwo_colossus - Intro post!

Helloooo! I'm Nicki, and I play ...deep breath...

Tony Stark/Iron Man
Emma Frost/White Queen
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Might as well start out with a bang, right?

So anyway, I know I've met you all already, but ping me on AIM any time you want to play, or plot, or whatever!

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