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[Jul. 29th, 2016|09:02 pm]

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Who: Caden Knox and Krzysztof Orzechowski
When: July 3, after this
Where: Quad then cab
Rating: Low

Things that hurt )
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[Jul. 21st, 2016|09:43 pm]
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Who: Asher McCain & Caden Knox
When: 7/21, Thursday afternoon
Where: Ezra’s house
Rating: Low

I was feeling a bit nostalgic about our roommate days… But if this is how you choose to live your life now, I’m not judging, but also no longer missing you as a roommate… )
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[Jul. 2nd, 2016|09:38 pm]
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Who: Melanie Moon | Viktor Petrov | Krzysztof Orzechowski | Caden Knox
When: 7/3 Sunday evening
Where: Vik's dorm
Rating: High

Think you can handle some competition? )
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[Jun. 8th, 2016|03:36 pm]
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Who: Caden & Melanie
When: 6/7, Tuesday night
Where: Ezra's house
Rating: Medium ish
Warnings: self harm

A darkness inside. )
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[Jun. 8th, 2016|01:55 pm]

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Who: Caden & Ezra
When: Backdated: 5/23, Monday Morning
Where: Ezra’s house
Rating: Low

morning after )
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[May. 13th, 2016|11:53 pm]
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Who: Caden Knox & Melanie Moon
When: 5/12, Thursday night
Where: Aly's House
Rating: low

Delirium )
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[May. 1st, 2016|12:26 am]

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Who: Caden Knox & Melanie Moon
What: Caden returns to NHU
Where: In front of Ezra’s home
When: Friday around 10am
Rating: Low

Just know you're not alone, cause I'm going to make this place your home. )
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[Feb. 5th, 2016|08:23 pm]

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Who: Eliza and Caden
When: Friday, January 22, (backdated)
Where: Eliza's house
Rating: Low

Eliza wasn’t exactly sure what she was taking on, but she knew she had to do it. )
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[Jan. 15th, 2016|02:16 pm]

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Who: Ezra & Caden
What: Talking & Stripping Glass From The Spine
When: 1/14 Thursday night
Where: Ezra’s Home
Rating: Medium

He was beyond disappointed )
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[Jan. 15th, 2016|12:00 am]
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Who: Caden Knox & Melanie Moon
When: 1/14 Thursday evening
Where: Caden's dorm
Rating: High

do unto others, what has been done to you )
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