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[Feb. 4th, 2016|09:32 pm]

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Who: Lexie Carter and Jake Bridges
When: Friday afternoon; 1/29 (Backdated)
Where: Halls of New Haven
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

She should have kept her mouth shut. )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2016|12:28 am]

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Who: Adam and Marlow
Where: Marlow's home
When: Backdate: Saturday, Jan 30th
Rating: TBD, likely high

A painting we will go, a painting we will go. )
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[Jan. 30th, 2016|09:31 pm]
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Who: Adam and Melanie
When: 1/29 Friday night
Where: Aly's house
Rating: High

this would be an easy night )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2016|08:09 pm]

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Who: Cassie, Zach, Jay
What: Snow and serial murder.
Where: Jason's home.
When: Saturday evening
Rating: Probably low to medium?

It wasn't the snow. It was the wind. )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2016|03:34 pm]
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Who: Rhoderick Kensington and Dallas Albright
What: So far, OK...
When: Monday evening
Where: Dallas' dorm
Rating: TBD

doing what's best )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2016|04:13 pm]

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Who: Viktor and Joanna
When: Friday afternoon, 1/22
Where: Viktor’s rooms
Rating: High
Warnings: TBD

through the camera's lens )
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[Jan. 20th, 2016|08:43 pm]

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[Current Mood |thirsty]
[Current Music |charli xcx - break the rules]

Who: Melanie and Roxy
When: Tuesday evening, 01/19
Where: Aly's house, Mel's room
Rating: High
Warnings: Lady loving

i don't wanna go to school, i just wanna break the rules... )
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[Jan. 20th, 2016|08:56 pm]

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Who: Gideon Lupo and Alex Darling
When: January 20th, Night
Where: Gideon’s home
Rating: High
Warnings: TBD

someone needs an attitude adjustment )
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[Jan. 20th, 2016|01:59 am]

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Who: Xavier James and Gemma Masters
When: Backdated 8am; 01/10
Where: Xav's dorm
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD

Time to go over the rules )
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[Jan. 17th, 2016|11:41 pm]

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Who: Ezzie & Ezra
When: backdated, 1/16 brunch ish
Where: Ezzie’s house
Rating: Low

it must have been serious for him to show up and interrupt her morning routine )
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[Jan. 16th, 2016|10:37 pm]

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Who: Zoe & Ezra
When: 1/16 Morning
Where: Ezra’s house
Rating: tbd

she offered to be the big spoon )
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[Jan. 16th, 2016|05:17 pm]

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Who: Effie & Luc
What: Making dinner
When: 1/15 Friday night
Where: Luc’s Home
Rating: Possibly high

There was something in his eyes. )
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[Jan. 15th, 2016|02:16 pm]

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Who: Ezra & Caden
What: Talking & Stripping Glass From The Spine
When: 1/14 Thursday night
Where: Ezra’s Home
Rating: Medium

He was beyond disappointed )
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[Jan. 15th, 2016|01:27 am]
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Who: Wesley Reed & Melanie Moon
When: 1/14 Thursday night
Where: Wes’ house
Rating: tbd

my lamb and martyr... )
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[Jan. 15th, 2016|12:00 am]
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Who: Caden Knox & Melanie Moon
When: 1/14 Thursday evening
Where: Caden's dorm
Rating: High

do unto others, what has been done to you )
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[Jan. 13th, 2016|11:23 pm]

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Who: Lian Keeling, Sam Graves
What: Getting acquainted.
When: backdated, Sunday, 1/10
Where: Lian's home, Baer St.
Rating: TBD

You seem very starkly off-balance, dear. )
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[Jan. 13th, 2016|11:36 am]

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Who: Richard and Kaia
Where: New York City
When: Friday Evening
Rating: TBD

Sometimes you just had to spoil someone. )
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[Jan. 13th, 2016|09:47 am]

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Who: Richard and Talia
When: Thursday Afternoon (Backdate)
Where: Horse Trails around campus
Rating: TBD

A horsing they will go, a horsing they will go... )
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[Jan. 12th, 2016|09:30 pm]

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Who: Wes/Ezra/Bri
When: 1/12 evening ish
Where: Start a Bri's end at Ezra's
Rating: Low

Insert cut line here. )
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[Jan. 11th, 2016|04:02 pm]

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Who: Tate and Daya
What: A purchased servita on her first night
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Tate's house
Rating: High

sooner or later you're gonna be mine )
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