Dec. 1st, 2010


WHO: Riha Dona Markhan, [NPC] R-12, ???
WHAT: From trials to crash landing
WHEN: A long time ago (then today)
WHERE: In a galaxy far, far away (then NYC)
STATUS: OPEN/Incomplete
Note: Repost


Jul. 22nd, 2010


Who: Violet Baudelaire and OTA (especially good guys)
What: From the junkyard to vampire fighting
When: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 8PM
Where: Somewhere in London
Rating: PG-13 (Count Olaf will be spoken of)
Status: Incomplete

It had been another day for Violet Baudelaire as she left the junkyard with a fresh bag of parts and plenty of fresh ideas. But at the same time she knew something was very amiss, she had been hearing talk of something called Subsiders and was armed via a small crossbow she had created a few days before. As she called a good night to the yard foreman she could hear something in the distance, even now she was still on guard post Olaf as she bared her weapon to only find a single Subsider. So she shot off a single volley and easily won,"But rather unusal" she quickly realized as she tried to see if anyone was around besides her.

Jun. 11th, 2010


WHO: Riha Dona Markhan, [NPC] R-12, Darth Revan/Mathis Jace
WHAT: From trials to crash landing
WHEN: A long time ago (then today)
WHERE: In a galaxy far, far away (then NYC)
STATUS: Incomplete/Closed

But the woman simply refused to die there. Manaan would not get the best of her. )