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Nov. 19th, 2020


Prompt 448: Fortune

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote To Learn (LJ/IJ) Neville, Draco, Harry
[info]digthewriter wrote al rescate (to the rescue) (LJ/IJ) Neville, Charlie, OMC
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Your Move Charlie/Neville
[info]delacourtings wrote Ogle Neville/Pansy
[personal profile] samunderthelights wrote Perfect Neville/Luna


The new challenge is:

Prompt 448: Fortune

This prompt will run until December 3.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Mod note: Is there anyone who wants this comm to continue posting to InsaneJournal after the new year? If anyone does, I'm happy to continue to do it but it currently seems as if it's not necessary. Please let me know, thanks.

Nov. 15th, 2020


al rescate - to the rescue (neville, charlie)

Title: al rescate (to the rescue)
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville, Charlie, OMC
Word Count: 100X5
Rating: PG
Challenge: PROMPT 447: FITTING for [ profile] neville100
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(LJ / DW / IJ)

Nov. 9th, 2020


To Learn.

Title: To Learn
Character(s): Neville, Draco, Harry
Rating: R
Challenge(s): Prompt 447: Fitting for [info]neville100+ prompt inspirations from [info]enchanted_jae's JMDC NOV. CHALLENGE: share, slump, stretch, stub, sulk
Word count: 100X4
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Part 63 of Wanting Harry series.

(LJ / DW / IJ)

Nov. 5th, 2020


Prompt 447: Fitting

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote The View (LJ/IJ) Neville, Draco, Harry
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Make the First Move Neville-centric
[info]paulamcg wrote Lanterns Neville/Harry
[info]delacourtings wrote Solice Neville/Harry


The new challenge is:

Prompt 447: Fitting

This prompt will run until November 19.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Oct. 24th, 2020


the view

Title: The View
Author/Artist: [info]digthewriter
Character(s): Neville, Draco, Harry
Rating: PG
Challenge(s): halloween
Word count: 100X2
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Part 62 of Wanting Harry series.

(dw | lj | IJ)

Oct. 22nd, 2020


Prompt 446: Halloween

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote A walk (IJ) Neville, Draco, Harry
[info]paulamcg wrote The Pregnant Moon Neville and Remus


The new challenge is:

Prompt 446: Halloween

This prompt will run until November 5.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Oct. 11th, 2020


a walk

Title: A walk
Author/Artist: [info]digthewriter
Character(s): Neville, Draco, Harry
Rating: PG
Challenge(s): Prompt 445: Moonlight FOR [info]neville100
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Part 61 of Wanting Harry series.

(DW, IJ)

Oct. 8th, 2020


Prompt 445: Moonlight

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote sé fuerte o vete a casa (LJ/IJ) Neville, Charlie
[info]paulamcg wrote Favourites Neville and Remus


The new challenge is:

Prompt 445: Moonlight

This prompt will run until October 22.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Oct. 5th, 2020


sé fuerte o vete a casa (neville/charlie)

Title: sé fuerte o vete a casa
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville, Charlie
Word Count: 100x4
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 444: Autumn Leaves for [info]neville100
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie. | Loosely translated: Be bold or go home.

DW / LJ / IJ

Sep. 24th, 2020


Prompt 444: Autumn Leaves

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote Una interrupción (LJ) Neville, Charlie
[info]paulamcg wrote Follow Roger's Advice Neville/Harry


The new challenge is:

Prompt 444: Autumn Leaves

This prompt will run until October 8.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Sep. 10th, 2020


Una interrupción

Title: Una interrupción
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville, Charlie
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG
Warnings: Original Character does some interrupting.
Challenge: Prompt 442: Pinnacle
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(LJ | DW)


Prompt 443: Flirt

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Best Excursion Ever Charlie/Neville
[info]paulamcg wrote Partnerless Neville/Harry pre-slash, Cho/Harry pre-het


The new challenge is:

Prompt 443: Flirt

This prompt will run until September 24.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Aug. 27th, 2020


Prompt 442: Pinnacle

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:

[info]digthewriter wrote Me encanta (I love it) (LJ/IJ) Neville/Charlie
[info]digthewriter wrote What are the rules? (LJ/IJ) Neville, Draco, Harry
[info]paulamcg wrote The Best Ever Neville/Harry pre-slash


The new challenge is:

Prompt 442: Pinnacle

This prompt will run until September 10.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Aug. 26th, 2020


What are the rules?

Title: What are the rules?
Author/Artist: [personal profile] digthewriter
Character(s): Neville, Draco, Harry
Rating: PG-13
Challenge(s): PROMPT 441: WALK for [community profile] neville100 & Prompt 397: Rendezvous for [community profile] harry100
Word count: 100x5
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Part 60 of Wanting Harry series.

DW | LJ | IJ


Me encanta

Title: Me encanta (I love it)
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pre-slash
Challenge: Prompt 441: Walk for [info]neville100
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(IJ | DW | LJ)

Aug. 13th, 2020


Prompt 441: Walk

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]sportivetricks wrote Forty Neville, Harry
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Best Morning Ever Charlie/Neville
[info]paulamcg wrote Shine Like Oranges Gen with a reference to Remus/Luna
[info]digthewriter wrote montañas y amanecer (LJ) Neville, Charlie


The new challenge is:

Prompt 441: Walk

This prompt will run until August 27.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Aug. 9th, 2020


montañas y amanecer | Neville/Charlie

Title: montañas y amanecer
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville, Charlie.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pre-slash. Flirting.
Challenge: Prompt 440: Sunrise
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(DW \ LJ)

Jul. 30th, 2020


Prompt 440: Sunrise

Happy birthday, Neville!!! ♥

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Best Date Night Ever Charlie/Neville
[info]sportivetricks wrote After You Neville/Hermione
[info]digthewriter wrote La Guasa (LJ/IJ) Neville, Charlie


The new challenge is:

Prompt 440: Sunrise

This prompt will run until August 13.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Jul. 27th, 2020


La Guasa - Neville/Charlie (Joking Around)

Title: La Guasa
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville, Charlie
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG
Warnings: NA
Challenge: For [info]neville100 Prompt 439: Date Night
A/N: Unbetaed. Fic is in english. I called it la guasa to give it the feel of 'teasing / sense of humour / joking' theme of the drabble. A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(DW + LJ + IJ)

Jul. 16th, 2020


Prompt 439: Date Night

Happy Neville Thursday, everyone!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Growing Things Neville/Luna
[info]digthewriter wrote Una revelación (IJ/LJ) Neville, Charlie
[info]katie_flint wrote Weeded Out Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson


The new challenge is:

Prompt 439: Date Night

This prompt will run until July 30, Neville's birthday!

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

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