March 20th, 2013

[info]kingofmacedon in [info]nevermore_au

Who: Alexander the Great & Richard the Lionheart
What: A lull in the violence
When: Late November
Where: An abandoned apartment
Warnings: Language, apocalypses, TBD

Read more... )

[info]monster_slayer in [info]nevermore_au

Who: George, David
When: The end of days, baby
Where: The police-state ruins of New York
What: Demon killing, people-rescuing. The family business

[info]asterismos in [info]nevermore_au

WHO: Thomas, Jamie, Victor and Kat
WHAT: Apocalypse reunions
WHEN: A week after this and a few days after this
WHERE: Jamie and Thomas'
WARNINGS: Apocalypses

A few, bright moments )