Dec. 18th, 2013


There's been talk about putting together a council, and I for one think it's a good idea.

I'm from a zombie apocalypse. I was living in a prison very much like this one, with the garden and the zombies outside the fence. It's a little too similar for my liking, and different enough to be...different.

None of the other council members from there are here. But I still think a council is our best bet. I ain't no leader, and I don't think no one person should be a leader. It don't never work out. And a council is only as good as the men and women who serve it, but I think we gotta start somewhere or we're going to go nowhere.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Volunteers or nominations? Let's hear it. The forum is open to everyone, but you ain't got no voice unless you speak up.

Dec. 8th, 2013


Whoever brought me here and took me from my family...I assure you, it was a very big mistake. Possibly the last one you will make. Reunite me with those I care about or I cannot be held accountable for my actions.


Can someone explain what is going on here?