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Jan. 1st, 2014


Supplies are getting critical.

We need a supply run.

It ain't easy, it ain't fun. Sooner or later you gotta run. I need people who know how to shoot. I need people who can move fast.

If you volunteer, it ain't no hiking adventure. It's real shit out there. And know that if you get bit, you will be put down. Simple as that. We ain't got no other choice.

Right then. I need about five. Alex, Michonne, I already got your names down. Carl, I think you should stay here and hold down the fort. Lila, your choice if you wanna go out, or stay with your brother.

Dec. 26th, 2013


I can't seem to stay warm today.

Dec. 18th, 2013


Mom? You here? Hello? Anyone?



There's been talk about putting together a council, and I for one think it's a good idea.

I'm from a zombie apocalypse. I was living in a prison very much like this one, with the garden and the zombies outside the fence. It's a little too similar for my liking, and different enough to be...different.

None of the other council members from there are here. But I still think a council is our best bet. I ain't no leader, and I don't think no one person should be a leader. It don't never work out. And a council is only as good as the men and women who serve it, but I think we gotta start somewhere or we're going to go nowhere.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Volunteers or nominations? Let's hear it. The forum is open to everyone, but you ain't got no voice unless you speak up.


I'm going to set up a place in the back for target practice.

Any objection?


Filtered to Alex Udinov

I'm thinking it's time for a supply run. You in?

Dec. 13th, 2013


Francis Louis are you here? Are you in one of these cells? We need to get out of here, you know that.

I hope you're here... god I hope you're here. Francis.. I.. never mind.

Gotta find my weapons. There’s a girl in my cell. I'm afraid I infected her. You know what they said, about us spreading the green flu.

God who am I even talking to.

… I know there are others here. Can read this, have you run-ins with the government too? Are you immune-carriers? I don't want to make anyone sick. Suppose that’s why I haven't gone investigating. Though its against every instinct. I haven't heard any hoards or special infected. I'm going to live, and you should too. And I also suggest staying away from me. I'm Zoey.. in cell A118

Dec. 10th, 2013




This sucks.

Dec. 9th, 2013


Let me out. Let me out. Let me out! I can't be in prison again! Let me out!

If this is a joke, Peter, it's not funny!


It amuses me you think this would hold me.


Is this another stage of the experiments?


Alright, who's in charge here?


So...Daryl said that the food and supplies are not going to last, especially if people keep showing up here. We're going to need to do something about this.

Dec. 8th, 2013


The Senior Partners realized they couldn't get Los Angeles back, so they sent me here. Is that how this works?

I thought I sent a pretty clear message that I was done playing their games.


Whoever brought me here and took me from my family...I assure you, it was a very big mistake. Possibly the last one you will make. Reunite me with those I care about or I cannot be held accountable for my actions.


Can someone explain what is going on here?


Attention people. In case you ain't figured it out, we in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I been living in this hell for the last couple'a years, so if you wanna survive, I suggest you listen up. I wish Rick was here. Rick would be so much better at this bullshit.

Something ain't right here. People be coming here that ain't supposed to be here. People coming from different points in time and shit. I'm here to tell you, it's 2013. And it ain't pretty.

Outside that fence, them things is zombies. We call them Walkers. Others have called them biters. Don't matter what you call'em, they's zombies and they ain't your friend. They just want to eat your brains and turn you inta one of them. There ain't no coming back from that.

If you ain't been t'the kitchen yet, that's where you find a duffel bag with your name on it. Don't take no one else's, all right? It ain't cool. Take the one got your name on it and that's it. Seems like every bag got at least a gun in it. I reckon there's a few a'you don't know how to shoot. You best learn. I can help with that, may some others will offer to help?

The food we got, even with what's growing out in the garden, it ain't gonna last long. We gotta ration it, and everybody gotta work together to make this work. Trust me, before the dead started to rise, I won't no team player. I learned real quick you gotta work together, if you wanna survive. You go it alone, chances are you ain't gonna make it.

So, maybe everyone be willing to share who they are, what they can do? We share that infomation, we can work together and survive this place. I'll go first.

Name: Daryl Dixon
Where I was before: West Georgia, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse
Skills: I can shoot. Crossbow's my weapon of choice. 'M willing to help teach others how to shoot. I can hunt and track, I know how t'survive in them woods. 'M willing to take small hunting party out and see what we can find.
Anything else that might be helpful: I been on several supply runs, 'M willing to do that too.



Is anyone there?

Why am I in a cell?


Dec. 7th, 2013


As much as I love a good zombie apocalypse, this is not what I had in mind. But the good news is, is that I have a cell to myself.

[Note to Self]
Don't wolf out. Remember what Mom said. Be human.

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