July 25th, 2009

[info]neogenesismod in [info]neogenesisrpg

Who: Open
What: Protest
Where: Seattle University
When: 1:30, Sunday
Status: Incomplete

Things were not as calm and comfortable as Washington had thought, particularly not today, at Seattle University. Many students, teachers, and ordinary citizens had decided that enough was enough. They refused to have their rights limited, and today they would assemble and see that their voices were heard.

A group at least sixty strong had assembled in the campus courtyard, with signs and banners waving in the summer breeze. A police presence had also assembled to keep an eye on things, though everything seemed to be peaceful so far, and some were even looking at the protesters with an approving sort of eye, as if they may be standing there with them had they not had a job to do.

[Apologies for the delay, had a bit of a work snag. Feel free to mingle a bit. A comment will be posted when the shots and action start to happen!]