July 23rd, 2009

[info]yrobin in [info]neogenesisrpg

Who: Robin Yarmovsky
What: Thinking
When: Thursday, 23rd July, 1.00pm
Where: At the Fairmont Olympian
Rating: PG-13
Status: Standalone

Inhaling deeply Robin felt the smoke fill his lungs and almost magically start to relax him. He knew it was psychological right now, that it would actually take a few seconds for the nicotine to hit the sensors in his brain, but knowing it was about to happen was as good as it got.

Unlike some other things. )

[info]neogenesismod in [info]neogenesisrpg

Posted across various news sites, forums, and journals

Originally posted on the National Nightly News website, July 23, 2009 -

Senator Speaks Out on Controversial New Resolution

WASHINGTON DC - Senator Bryce Simmons (I-Colorado) spoke up about a controversial new resolution to limit anti-lottery internet posts Wednesday in a candid interview with National Nightly News, openly criticizing the administration and his fellow congressman.

"This is ludicrous," Senator Simmons said. "This is the United States of America, not the damn People's Republic. They're dictating who can have children, and how many children you have to have, and now on top of it, they're trying to limit what can be said on your own web page." Senator Simmons also criticized the relatively low-key media coverage of the resolution, suggesting a possible government sanctioned cover-up.

"This is news to you, isn't it? Even the media doesn't know much about it. They don't want anyone to know, because they know good and well that you wouldn't like it," Senator Simmons said outside the Capitol building yesterday afternoon. "They don't care about their constituents anymore. They know what they want and they're going to do it regardless of what you say. You're not people to them, you're not even votes. You're just numbers."

[info]inplainclothing in [info]neogenesisrpg

RP Log: Aaron & Hanna

Who: Aaron Yamazaki & Johanna Hastings.
What: After hearing from about James and Hanna's rendezvous (on June 15) from James, Aaron is feeling moody, and his tendency to nose into people's business does not spare Hanna, unfortunately (for her).
When: 20 June 2009; ~11:45am. Very backdated. >.>
Where: A deli.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete Log.
Note: This...is embarrassing to post, considering it happened about a month ago, but I didn't realize I had forgotten to put up a placeholder post. *facekeyboard* Carry on.

. . . )