June 8th, 2009

[info]noah_browning in [info]neogenesisrpg

Sunday, June 7th

Who: Noah Browning and Jeff Novak
What: Catching up
When: June7th, mid-afternoon
Where: Baker park, the batting cages
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. )

[info]aj_listens in [info]neogenesisrpg

Deli Life

Who: AJ and Kyle
What: Deli Dinner
When: Monday night
Rating: PG?

The lunch rush had come and gone. AJ had taken his break at 2:30 to pick Amy up from school and take her out for ice cream, and was now back until closing. Closing was his least favorite time of the day, he preferred the continuity and occasional witty banter he enjoyed with his lunch regulars. The last minute people who showed up right before closing were usually nutters, or in a terrible hurry to get home, making them ornery and snappish. The worst were the rushed ones who were insane. Hopefully he didn't have too many of those tonight.

There weren't any customers in the deli at the moment, and AJ was taking the time to refill the salad dressings. Leaving his "Back in five minutes" sign on the counter next to the bell, he headed into the back room to find the jug of Caesar.