April 17th, 2009

[info]suchiana in [info]neogenesisrpg

Friday, April 17th

Who: Robin Yarmovsky, Suchiana Hirsch
What: Another one of those chance meetings
When: Friday afternoon
Where: The PetCo near Linden Square
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job. ~Franklin P. Jones )

[info]grace_spencer in [info]neogenesisrpg

Friday, April 17

Who: Dan Hoffman, Grace Spencer
What: A chat
When: Friday afternoon, 3.30 pm
Where: Dan's apartment at the Pennington Condominium
Rating: PG-13

I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. --Edward Everett )