January 7th, 2010

[info]linovasq in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Staas Mooren and Lino Vasquez
Where: El Torro
When: January 7, 2010
Rating: PG-13, thanks to Staas' cursing.

Warnings: Liberal use of the f bomb.
Summary: Lino meets with the boss.

A Promotion? )

[info]ookawa in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: River and Liam
What: Servicing
When: Evening.
Rating: PG-13/NSFW for sexual innuendo, nothing explicit.

So you got the looks but have you got the touch? )

[info]kanaha in [info]nearside_rpg

Who: Kayla and Sam
When: January 7, 2010
Where: Madame Blueberry's
Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Swearing, as always with Kayla.
Summary: Kayla happens to be working when Sam comes in to shop.

The British are coming, the British are coming! )