There's Some Things Money Can't Buy

User: [info]ellnyx
Date: 2008-10-25 08:37
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:crack, extras

So, most of the stuff on

[info]nasdack  is pretty serious stuff. Well, sometimes. Big long fic. More than 500 words. Hard to read when you just want a short, sharp dose of feel-good.



That, and more, at the downjones.

The concept: happy hilarity. Not always ever serious. Sometimes you get real bits of finance, thrown in when K is feeling particularly delirious. Or Nyx doing some magic with the characters or a coffee machine.

In truth: if Reno had a blog. That's all I'm saying.

For your convenience: there's an rss lj feed that you can friend (on LJ at the moment, will work this one out shortly): downingjones.

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April 2009