October 24th, 2009

[info]gwionfawyr in [info]nanowrimo

WorldBuilding Articles and Tools

This post is in response to [info]dani_meows request for good WorldBuilding articles.

The Fantasy WorldBuilder Guide: 30 Days to a World - This guide takes exactly 7 hours and 30 minutes to build up a world from the very bottom up. Usually that is 15 minutes a day, but we're on a time crunch here. If you do four or five of the exercises each day, then you'll have your world built by the end of this week.

WorldBuilding: Wikipedia article- Wikipedia always has great links to WorldBuilding sites embedded into each article's page. Also, they give you in-depth looks at the construction steps.

Elfwood: FARP (Fantasy Art Resource Project) - It's a how to create Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds in 7 days type of deal. Also they've got books listed that can help you go into greater detail later.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America: Fantasy WorldBuilding Questions - This is a helpful series of articles from the professional writers out there. And you don't need to be an Astrophysicist to under most of it. But, sometimes it helps. :)

These next two are linked together. These articles are written by everyday people with the know-how to give you fluent steps and rules that give you just enough wiggle room to go nutty with the fun. Both are from wikiHow:

How to Write a Fantasy Novel Set in Another World
How to Create a Fictional World from Scratch

Medieval Demographics Made Easy - Need that population to be under control so that when the dragon comes, he'll have a good meal? This is your guide. Well it's a a decent guide for all things Fantasy. You get to know how population density works in Fantasy Novels.

WorldBuilding: Fantasy Religion Design Guide - Have the heathen hordes come knocking at your computer with ideas about what type of religion they practice, but you don't know how to translate that into real words? This will help.

AutoRealm: Mapper - Need a map of your country? World? That little tract of land where the Gnomes have set up a fairground? This is your tool. It's PC-compatible, sorry Macs. Will try to find one for you guys too.

That's it for now guys.


November 2010

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