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Nov. 30th, 2010


Day 30 - The final stretch.

Today is the final day for NaNoWriMo. It's been a hard journey, but I'm glad that we've made it through. You've got some hours left, make the most of them. And if not, go soak your hands in warm water and Epsom salt, you definitely need that.

Post is up.


Nov. 28th, 2010


Days 27 & 28

Come on guys. We just have a little way to go. Around the bend and all that jazz. We can do it! And I will just now stop quoting Bob the Builder.


Nov. 26th, 2010


Days 25 & 26

So I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, for those who celebrate it. I ended up Nano-ing this morning. But I wanted you all to know how proud I am of the ones who got a chance to do NaNoWriMo this year.

Post is up, and encouragement is flowing.

Nov. 24th, 2010


Day 24

I'm on my way out of town to attend a funeral. I'll be back tonight to write. Post is up for the day.


Nov. 23rd, 2010


Day 23

I'm a little behind on where I wanted to be, but still chugging along. So to my fellow Wrimos, let's make this last week the best week ever. Post is up.


Nov. 22nd, 2010


Day 22 Word Count

*waves* I'm off to battle the evils of Registration for Spring Semester. But the post is up and Tephra! You so rock!


Nov. 21st, 2010


Day 21

Post is up. Word count is key to NaNoing, but personally I want to know if your stories are still moving. If you've introduced a new character to the plot or killed off one.


Nov. 20th, 2010


Day 20

Okay, I suck this year and for that I apologize. All I can say is that there have been personal things and school work combined to keep me crazily busy. I'm going to try and do better for the next 10 days.

Post is up.


Nov. 15th, 2010


Day 15

While I'm on a roll, let's get this one set up also. Things have been hectic on my side of this.


Nov. 14th, 2010


Day 14

Also post is up for the 14th day of NaNoWriMo.

Nov. 13th, 2010


Day 13

Word Count post is up. Sorry I was late folks.


Nov. 12th, 2010


Day 12

And counting. Tephra and BoxedCrayon are blowing me away with their levels of dedication. I'm frankly jealous now.

Post is up for the day, have at.


Nov. 11th, 2010


Day 11 Word Count

*waves* School's kicking my butt, but I adore you all so much I'm posting anyway.


Nov. 9th, 2010


Day 9 & 10

Doing a double post for Word Count today. Got a lot of things that I have to hunt down today and two tests to take. So, again the post is up and have at.

Jenn (15k)

Nov. 8th, 2010


Day 8 Word Count

Good morning everyone, and for some of you, good evening. Post is up for Day 8 of NaNoWriMo. How are you all doing? Getting the plot under control, or is it leaping away from you at a mad pace?

I've officially crossed into 13k. So while not crazily ahead, I'm doing good.

Have at,

Nov. 7th, 2010


Day 7 Word Count - NaNoWriMo 2010

So how's everyone's doing? I'm almost to 12k myself. Post is up. Word Counts are needed. *grins* Well, not needed, but at least wanted to know about.


Nov. 6th, 2010


Day 6 Word Count - NaNoWriMo 2010

Post is up. I've seen some impressive word counts for the last few days. Frankly, I'm astounded at the level of dedication for the authors here. Keep up the good work.


Nov. 5th, 2010


November 5, 2010 - Day 5 of NaNoWriMo - Word Count

Word count post is up. I'm not witty today, too tired. But I want you all to know that I'm proud of you.


Nov. 4th, 2010


November 4, 2010 - Day 4 of NaNoWriMo - Word Count

Fiji made it to November 4th before the rest of us. Post up for word counts and if you have any questions to ask, put them in the comments and I'll do research in between writing sprints.

Hope you all have a good day writing and just living.

Nov. 3rd, 2010


November 3, 2010 - Day 3 of NaNoWriMo - Word Count

I'm learning more about time zones this year, than any other. It's November 3rd in Oceania. The rest of us get the benefits for it, though.

Go Team Oceania!

Word count post is up for the day.


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