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panfandom + oc friendly! [03 Nov 2019|03:20pm]
A pan—fandom rp community
It all began with a knife.

A knife that could cut through any material, including the very fabric between worlds. The tears that it opened could be traversed, leaving the entire multiverse open to the wielder. But these portals were not supposed to be opened...

This Wild Abyss is a panfandom game set in the multiverse of His Dark Materials. The game will explore the concept of the multiverse setting through gamewide plots, but will primarily take place in the central universe’s Oxford, several decades after the events of the original trilogy. Knowledge of the series is not required, and we will happily answer any questions.

Hold are currently open and the game will start on 11/12/19.
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[ viewing | November 3rd, 2019 ]
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