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[08 Oct 2019|12:20pm]

The destruction of the Phoenix Force caused a ripple in the space time continuum. People from other worlds began showing up all over the world, but the problem was the world was now a wasteland due to the blast from the phoenix force. The only city on Earth still standing was Genosha and that was only thanks to Wanda and Lorna combining their powers to create a force-field around the city. Wanda, feeling guilty for what her father had caused began taking in refugees from all around the world. With no way to send the new arrivals home and limited resources in the world it was up to Genosha to re-build a society for the survivors.

Wanted Characters

Pepper Potts, Mystique, Beast, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, Lorna/Polaris, Tony Stark...everyone!

About the Game

[info]nottheendmods is a Marvel based panfandom game! All fandoms welcome! The plot is an AU version of the ending of the cartoon series Wolverine and the X-Men. You don't have to have seen the show to play here. Game opens October 31st!


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[ viewing | October 8th, 2019 ]
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