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[03 Sep 2017|01:43am]


You wake up, comfortable, in a bed. You slowly begin to realize that you're not in the same place you were when you fell asleep. That's because you're not. Wherever you were from, whatever year it was, you're not there anymore. You're in Los Angeles and the year is 2017. You're confused, you're probably freaking out, but don't worry, you're going to find out very soon why you're here. You'll probably not like it though.

A sudden ring of a cellphone startles you and you search your new residence trying to find the source. It's a phone; you've received a text. It tells you that you've been selected by the angels to be trained and put through tests for a battle that doesn't even concern you. The angels need the numbers though. They need people to fight for them and die for them and there isn't an option. You're held here against your will and will be contacted by the angels soon. They also add that you've been provided your residence and employment as well. Oh, and there's a thousand dollars cash on the counter for you for living expenses, plus a laptop for further communicating. Do what you want with the cash, but all of the money you earn from this day forth is from the job you've been given.

Your whole world has just been turned upside down. How do you react?

The City Of is a panfandom game set in real time. It takes place in an alternate Los Angeles.


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[03 Sep 2017|07:15pm]

Inside of a dense nebula at the edge of deep space, a rupture in the space-time continuum slowly begins wreaking havoc on people across time, space, and multiple universes. The consequence? Without warning, individuals are plucked out of their own lives and into a new one in the year 2264. These travelers are given room and board on the Enterprise, the opportunity for either education or employment with Starfleet, and the opportunity to explore the galaxy on board the Enterprise.

Seeking characters in all fandoms.
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[03 Sep 2017|07:19pm]
I would love to see more Teen Wolf characters over at [info]reconsider.
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