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[24 May 2016|10:48am]

Deep inside the basement of the Museum of Natural History there is a secret, a disregarded and long forgotten artifact, hidden away decades ago. Some call it the veil, others would say a tesseract, but all agree that it is a portal. Defying the laws of physics, this artifact can visit other dimensions, hop across universes, even speak to the dead and, some say, return them back to life. It is an object to be feared, and objected to be protected, and after nearly a century of lying dormant the portal sparks to life.

New York City has opened its arms to welcome a new crop of residents. Fictional characters from all manner of origins now dotting the city streets and buying milk at the corner bodega. The city that never sleeps now features superheroes flying past office windows and wizards performing magic in the streets, and a whole new level of weird to a place that thrives on being different.

[info]thefiveboroughs is a pan-fandom game set against the backdrop of modern day New York City and focused on bringing multiple fandoms together to interact via monthly game-wide plot points and a love of putting beloved fictional characters in a world where magic and the supernatural are only seen on television.

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