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[01 May 2016|11:39am]
Looking for fandom GAMES or PSLS! All the pertinent info is in my journal but here's who I want to play most right now:

HARRY POTTER: Hermione Granger/Weasley, Ginny Weasley/Potter, Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
SUPERNATURAL: Anna Milton, Ruby
TEEN WOLF: Erica Reyes, Kate Argent
DOCTOR WHO: Rose Tyler, Donna Noble
OUAT: Belle, Maleficent, Ruby
HEROES: Niki/Jessica Sanders, Daphne Millbrook

(I would kill for a dark Hermione/Ron line, a Ruby/Dean, Erica/Isaac, Rose/Jack, or current canon Daphne/Matt.)

also, if you want to play against my OCs, i have a modern paranormal/supernatural game i'm getting off the ground: [info]triangle_island
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[01 May 2016|10:56pm]
[info]fandom_ads is under new ownership and has new rules! Please join!
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2016 ]
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