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[05 Jan 2013|12:49am]
Looking for someone who'd be interested in playing Dean or Sam Winchester in a Supernatural line set in the UK (Edinburgh preferably or London as a second choice).

The basic premise would be that Dean or Sam is somehow sent back to Victorian times and finds himself having to get by in the worst slums of the city. I'm also looking for a Spike from Buffy/Angel to be involved in the line.

I'd really like to find someone who's as interested in the time period and settings as I am, would enjoy weaving the local legends/ghost stories/folklore of the town into the plots and who'd be happy to use visuals to illustrate our posts.

I know this is a huge long-shot but I figured that someone might be into the same things as I am. I'm comfortable with writing males and females, as well as multiple characters in any line and it would be great if you do too.

I'm really jaded when it comes to games and would prefer to keep this as just a line between the two of us, though I wouldn't be against one of two more writers. I just don't really want to be involved in some huge community.

One last thing - I'd prefer this game to be played over Dreamwidth. I know there are not so many icons etc allowed but the down-time at IJ has been terrible lately. This is not set in stone though, and I'll use IJ if I have to.
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[05 Jan 2013|01:06am]

“You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Stay eternal, and never say goodbye...
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Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse? Join now! We opened last night. [05 Jan 2013|11:12am]

The dead have risen.
Do you have what it takes to survive?
Find out at!

One minute you're minding your own business, going through the motions of a typical day. You walk through a door and...and nothing will ever be the same again. It takes only a moment to realise you're in another town, another time and place. Everything is calm, but nothing is right. It's all wrong. This isn't where you were a moment ago.

Rising is a pan fandom* zombie apocalypse setting. Loosely based on AMC's The Walking Dead, Rising is set in an original universe. Rising has been created by dedicated mods, intent on creating a character driven, writing based environment. Mods will issue regular plot points and event challenges, and players/characters will be rewarded through a points system.

*We are not accepting AUs, multiples, or OCs at this time.
*Developed from the ashes of [info]walkingmods.

Will you make it out alive?
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[05 Jan 2013|04:45pm]

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