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[03 Oct 2011|08:16pm]

Everyone knows television is scripted and fake... Or is it?

Broadcasting Live exposes the 'truth' behind television. It's more than entertainment, it's a prison for the world's supernatural and YOU may just be the next big thing to be taken from your comfortable life to guard the world from these creatures.

Come with us to explore the world of sci-fi and supernatural. Where the 'fictional characters' once could have been your family and friends. Will they awaken to the truth? And if so, will they fight to get back home and allow chaos and creatures destroy the human race?


Most Wanted are Rory Williams (Doctor Who) & George Sands (Being Human)

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[03 Oct 2011|10:25pm]

When you open your eyes, you're on a stage. An empty stage, with no scenery, no costumes, and no other actors. There's a spotlight on you, but the rest of the stage and the auditorium is completely dark. You're not even sure how large it is; the lights are blinding you and you can't even see the first row. There's no noise except the sound of your breathing, but you can feel that someone's watching you.

Hastily, you leave the spotlight. You don't want to go out into the auditorium, so you look around and spot an emergency exit sign. You're almost to the door when you see the paper taped to it. You pull it off, but the spotlight goes out and there's not enough light to see. You quickly push open the door, step outside, and then glance at the note.

"The show's over.
Welcome home."

All the World's a Stage is a panfandom game. The game will open once we have five players.
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[ viewing | October 3rd, 2011 ]
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