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[08 Dec 2009|02:59pm]

Unique enterprise currently

seeking enthusiastic employees!

Ambroise Family Circus

Tired of your old boring routine?

Want more excitement out of your daily life?

Want to travel some?

Ever want to run away and join the circus?

Who doesn't love the circus? For decades, the circus has captivated people's imaginations, been the source of a child's dreams, and given many talented people a job and a purpose. With the turn of another century, some wonder whether or not circuses still have their place in the world but Ambroise Family Circus has proven that a circus can stand the test of time. Family owned and operated since 1902, Ambroise is one of the most reputable circuses around.

However, there is something strange going on within the circus. If you stick around for long enough, you will find that the majority of the people at the circus are not there by choice, but rather they were living their lives and then suddenly found themselves standing in the center ring of the tent. And more than that, they could not head back to their own lives, but were forced to join the circus. Some have stopped questioning it, others are slow to trust. But one thing is certain - once the circus picks you - you can't go home!

Ambroise Family Circus is a multifandom community that allows both cannon and original characters. This game is for writers who want to have fun, interact with other talented writers, and see their characters grow. There will be light elements of plot such as planned events, scheduled stops on the circuit, and special circus traditions.


Premise Rules Application Jobs Taken/Held Housing Mods Main Community OOC Friend Button Contact Info

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Multifandom Asylum-Based IJ RPG. [08 Dec 2009|11:28pm]

As children, we're expected not just to believe in fairy tales, but to embrace them. Boys can fly and live as children forever, girls can be rescued from their evil step-mothers and whisked away to castles in pumpkin coaches; the world is an endless stretch of possibility set against a backdrop of inherent freedom.

It is only a fiction. The world eventually reveals itself to be an unkind place, the villains not easily defeated, no fairy godmother to come to the rescue. The loss of innocence is taken in stride by some, and those fortunate masses go on to become grown-ups, to live out their lives in some boring profession or another, to forget magic after passing it along to their own children.

But what of those who grow older without growing up? What if Alice witnessed something so terrifying that she never wanted to leave Wonderland? What if Belle's beast was so cunning and so cruel that she could not bear to part from him, his murder of her father aside? For all of those who fell through the cracks, for the most unique and the least privileged, the untouchable and the uncared for, for the most heartbreaking and horrifying, there exists a refuge. The shelter? A deceptively quiet New England hospital; Cheshire Crossing.

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