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[13 Oct 2008|10:34am]
Welcome to where time stands still!No one leaves and no one will!

The premise// Taken and held// Rules// Application

The Last Stand is a post season 2 supernatural game.
Apps are accepted on a first come first serve basis.
Originals are accepted
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[13 Oct 2008|06:07pm]
The Marked
Premise | Taken | Held | Rules | Application
What makes a person good? What makes them evil? Is it their actions, or do ends justify means? Is it something that is at the core of every person? Are you born one way or the other? Is there truly a right and wrong side to every thing? What even defines "good" or "evil"? Is it inherent or is it something forced upon us? Perhaps it is simply the sum of everything we're faced with.

What side would you find yourself on if everything you'd ever known was stripped away? What happens when your world has been reset and all you have are your memories of the life you've been taken from? What if you discovered you were just a pawn in some bigger player's game? Would you change? Would you join forces with a serial killer or turn your back on a hero to get to the bottom of a problem bigger than you? Or would you do nothing at all?

The Marked is a multi-fandom game, meaning almost all fandoms are welcomed here whether they're books, movies, or television series. Unlike most of the multi-fandom games around here, we endorse canon portrayals of your favorite characters and we also provide a working plot for you and your characters to participate in.
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[13 Oct 2008|06:57pm]

Community Character List PB ListRulesApplication

I can't seem to grasp what's going on... Every time I turn around there seems to be more talk of this war that's coming. I don't understand it... yet I know that I will have to fight and stand up for what is right. But that also seems to be what the problem is... No one can tell anymore what 'right' is anymore. Is you-know-who right for wanting to maintain the purity of blood amongst wizards, or are we right for fighting against that. To me? That isn't even a question. I've picked my side already...
Which did you choose? Summon the light...

Acciopatronus is a Mauaders Era RPG that is currently looking for talented writersand will be opening on October 18th, 2008.

Please check out list of available characters as there are many characters still needed like Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Frank Longbottom, Alice, Bellatrix Black, Amycus Carrow, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley and many many more teachers and students. Please check out the applications, which can be found on our user information page. Please send any applications, questions or comments to our e-mail:
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