Montgolfier's Folly's Journal
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Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

    Time Event
    He’d only been stepping through the gateway, only checking on his new creation. (People and...other things had been coming through for weeks now. His new cosmos populated with those discontent with their own.) He should have found himself in a vast and open space, floating above one of his worlds. Instead he was here. (And the most troubling thing was that he wasn’t immediately certain where ‘here’ was. Not his creation, not the Earth he knew, not hell or heaven or the Silver City or Faerie or the Dreaming or any other realm he was familiar with.)

    There would be time later to discern a way to get out, back to his world, new or old. For now he needed information. In knowledge there was power. One thing he and the Old Man agreed on at least.

    Traditionally the inn was the place to go when you needed to know what was going on in the wide world. He headed there now.

    [Multiple thread, OTA]
    was it a dream?
    Who: Elissa
    When: Middle of the night
    Where: The Inn
    Open To: Bastian
    Thread: Single plz

    believe me when I say goodbye forever / is for good )

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