Montgolfier's Folly's Journal
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Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

    Time Event
    Eric had made an effort to get to know all of the townspeople. Some he knew better than others, it was true, but he'd at least met all of them. Except for one, that is. He'd heard mention of another man in town, but Eric had yet to cross paths with him.

    So after dark, Eric made his way down to the inn, hoping to finally meet the elusive Dean.

    [single thread post for Dean, please :)]
    Bastian still hadn't decided if he wanted to move out of the inn or not. He'd put up thick curtains in one of the rooms to keep the sunlight out during the day, and he wasn't having any trouble sleeping, so it seemed a waste to take a whole house for himself.

    As a result, he ended up spending most of his time in the inn, aside from the occasional night time stroll. This evening, just after the sun went down, he made his way into the pub area, got himself a glass of whiskey, and took a seat at a table in the corner with a book of crossword puzzles. it was one of his favorite ways to pass the time.

    [Multiple thread, OTA, NSFW in the thread with Eric]
    Vala pulled her hair back into her usual pigtailed braids as she stepped into the fountain. The weather had been growing steadily hotter, disproving her theory that their rock wasn't actually going anywhere, and she needed something to break the heat.

    After her impromptu water battle with Cam the other day, Vala had been dying to find some sort of pool or something to cool off with. But other than the river that she found whose water dumped somewhere she wasn't willing to find out about just yet, she had struck out.

    So armed in her new bikini, Vala jumped into the fountain and let the water splash down on her, finally cooling her off.

    [open to any and all and lets go single thread and make it an epic pool/fountain party. Everyone bring your trunks!]

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