Montgolfier's Folly's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Montgolfier's Folly's InsaneJournal:

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    Friday, February 25th, 2011
    8:15 pm
    Who: Eric
    Where: The castle
    When: At night
    Open to: Vala
    Thread: Single

    Eric woke just after sunset. He knew that Vala would be working at the tavern this evening and that Bastian would be working in his bookshop. For the first time in a long time, he found himself with an evening all to himself, and he knew exactly what he wanted to do on his own. He remembered Vala telling him about a pool in a chamber beneath the castle, remembered her telling him that it had enabled her to see and hear people that had cared about her back in her reality. There was only one person that had really cared about him where he'd come from, and Eric missed her more and more with each night that passed. He wanted to see his progeny, wanted to hear her voice again.

    He spent a while searching the first floor of the castle for the stone stairwell that Vala had described that led downward into the chamber. He found it and then descended, the air growing cooler and damper as he went farther down. Finally he arrived at the pool. He sat down beside it on the chilly stone, waiting to see and hear the vampire that he'd turned, that he regarded as a sister, daughter, friend, and business partner all in one.

    He'd been expecting to see Pam at Fangtasia or at her house, surrounded by fangbangers or her nest mates. Instead, he saw her in the palace of Queen Sophie Anne in New Orleans. He stared into the pool, watching the forms of his progeny and the Queen become more solid and lifelike until it almost felt as though he were in the room with them.

    *** )
    Monday, February 21st, 2011
    12:26 pm
    Who: Eric
    Where: The pub
    When: At night
    Open to: All
    Thread: Multi

    Between spending time with his lovers and helping Lucy clean out her attic, it had been a while since Eric had any free time on his hands. This evening, however, he had no immediate plans, so he headed to the pub. He took a seat at one of the tables and sat back to listen to the band, keeping an eye out for anyone that he might feel like talking to. While he was exceedingly glad to be back in his own body again, he did miss being able to enjoy a pint of beer while he sat there.
    Thursday, February 3rd, 2011
    9:50 pm
    Who: Vala
    Where: The bar
    When: After dark
    Open to: Eric

    It had taken two agonizing (and occasionally educational) weeks but Vala was finally back in her own bod.. She had enjoyed her time experimenting with the parts she wasn't used to and really enjoyed seeing what things were like for Eric when she was a vampire. Still, she had missed her own body and what's more, she had missed Eric's body.

    Standing behind the bar, Vala slid a beer down to a tired and dirty looking soldier. He was another new member to their Folly group and by the look of his clothes and the weary expression on his face, he was very new. She was about to go and talk to him when the taverns doors opened with a loud bang.
    Sunday, January 30th, 2011
    11:43 pm
    Who: Alcide
    Where: The bar
    When: After dark
    Open to: All
    Thread: Multi

    Alcide was so very tempted to just go take a walk through the woods at noon.

    So very tempted.

    But as much as he hated Eric, his sense of self-preservation was really quite strong, and in the end, he refrained.

    He did head to the inn once the sun had gone down, though, and he was currently staring down a pint of beer he couldn't drink, trying to ignore the sounds of heartbeats and people in other rooms and animals that would be well out of his hearing even in his wolf form.

    How the hell did the fanger live with all that noise?
    11:30 pm
    Who: Bastian
    Where: in the bookshop
    When: early evening
    Open to: anyone
    Thread: multi

    About halfway through the week it occurred to Bastian that just because he was in a different body didn't mean he couldn't still be working on getting the shop ready to open. And as he's used to working at night, it's almost natural for him to stay up late working. He almost doesn't notice when the sun goes down. (Though he has been soaking up as much pain-free sunlight as possible over the last few days.)

    He's got the lamps lit, and he's humming to himself a bit as he organizes the science section.
    Thursday, January 27th, 2011
    9:12 pm
    Here we go again . . .
    Who: Lucy
    Where: Vala's house
    When: In the morning
    Open to: Will
    Thread: Single

    The first thing that Lucy was aware of was the warm body next to hers. Only half awake, she snuggled up automatically. However, the movement gave her the first hints that something was wrong. This wasn't her body, or even Bastian's. It was like she was missing most of her senses.

    No, she realized. She wasn't missing them - they'd just been reset to the levels of an ordinary human. She could still smell the person in bed with her, although the scent was much more faint than she remembered it being as a vampire.

    The person in bed with her.

    Lucy abruptly detached herself and pulled back, sitting up in the bed. It looked like Alcide's body, but given that she herself was currently occupying someone else's body - another male, it seemed - it probably wasn't Alcide in there.

    Sitting there, Lucy debated between the merits of trying to sneak out of bed or waking the other occupant.
    Wednesday, January 26th, 2011
    5:02 pm
    Who: Vala
    Where: The bar
    When: In the evening, just after sunset
    Open to: All
    Thread: Multi

    Vala woke up in an unfamiliar place at what felt like late afternoon. Opening her eyes, she noticed stacks of books along the walls and a pad of drawing paper dropped off on a nightstand not far from the bed she was on.

    "Oh god not again," she groaned. This was certainly not the place she went to sleep last night, this was not her house. Whats more, she certainly remembered Eric slipping in bed behind her last night and he wasn't there now.

    Eric! Last night! That was right, he had... seemed to change into a wolf last night.

    Jumping out of bed, Vala flew past the mirror and downstairs, wanting to hurry and find her lover to find out what happened. The bright sun streaming in through a window quickly stopped her. She hissed as the light burned at her eyes and quickly moved out of the light. She looked down at her hands, they looked familiar...

    Hurrying back up the stairs, she slipped into the bathroom and to the mirror to see Bastian's young, round face staring back at hers. "Oh dear," she sighed, reaching up and poking her cheek again. At least she understood why she couldn't run downstairs and outside right now, the sun was still outside and Bastian was a vampire.

    Sighing again, Vala grabbed a book that was on top of one of the stacks leaning against one of the walls in Bastian's room before waiting for the sun to descend under the horizon. She kept looking up to the far off window, watching as the sun slipped lower and lower on the horizon. Finally, when it was sinking below the Folly, Vala headed out the door and to the tavern to find out where, and who, everyone was.
    Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
    12:09 am
    Who: Eric
    Where: Outdoors, in the town and the surrounding woods
    When: The first night of the full moon; The night before everyone switches bodies again
    Open to: Vala
    Thread: Single

    Eric was in the pub after dinner. He had been feeling a sort of restlessness from the moment he'd woken up this morning. The longer the day went on, the more agitated and restless Eric had become. He felt like he needed to get outdoors and do something; what exactly that something was, he had no idea, but he couldn't stay cooped up in the pub all night. He decided to take a walk to take the edge off of whatever it was that he was feeling. He didn't feel like walking alone, so he sought out Vala where she was working behind the bar. "Feel like taking a break and going for a walk with me?" he asked.
    Friday, January 21st, 2011
    8:37 pm
    Who: Vala
    Where: Tavern
    When: At night
    Open to: Everyone
    Thread: Multi
    ETA: Open bar thread! Meaning you don't have to comment and just talk to Vala, your comment can have your pup just come in the bar to find anyone at all.

    Vala stood behind the counter tending bar. Or rather, Sam stood behind the counter tending bar but really it was Vala in a great big Sam suit and this was all being so very confusing. Vala had her bottles out on the bar already; she had opted for the good, strong stuff, assuming that they were all going to need a few good drinks after the past few days they'd been having.

    To her right, a small metal device sat on the counter. It had the words Body Swap Machine stamped into the metal plate. Sure she might have the device that may (or may not) have caused the initial swap but it wasn't like Vala had any idea as to how the damned thing worked. She was hoping someone here might have an idea or at least be more willing to take a whack at it. She opened the nearest bottle and poured herself a shot of whiskey, downing it as she leaned against the bar and waited fore her first customer.
    Tuesday, January 18th, 2011
    9:28 pm
    Who: Alcide
    Where: Eric's house
    When: the morning of the body swap
    Open to: Sam (in Eric's body)
    Thread: Single

    Alcide was a heavy, heavy sleeper. Heavy enough that his first conscious, waking thought was not that his body felt different or even that he was in a different bed. It wasn't even that his sense of smell was severely diminished or that it was really damn dark in here.

    His first waking thought, actually, was that there was another body in his bed.

    Which usually meant...


    As he spoke, a few things occurred at once. He reached for the body next to him and realized that it was a) naked and b) cold. He heard his voice not as a low rumble but as a soft, mellow, feminine voice. He discovered there was something in the way of his arm moving, and that something was a breast. Two of them, actually.

    Which naturally led to him sitting up like a shot.

    "What in the hell...?"
    4:24 pm
    Who: Kirjava
    Where: The home where Will and Kirjava went to sleep
    When: Pretty much as soon as the swap happens
    Open to: Bas (in Will's body)
    Thread: Single

    Kirjava knew something wasn't right before she woke. There was a tear in their connection. Will was still here in this world, somewhere, but he wasn't where he should be. More than that, someone was where he was meant to be.

    She jumped the bed next to Will's body, intent on waking whoever had taken his place, but uncomfortable actually touching him. Hissing, with her back arched, she would have been any other upset cat, except then she spoke.

    "Who are you?" she demanded from whoever had taken over Will's form.
    7:02 pm
    Who: Eric
    Where: At the bar
    When: In the evening, just after sunset
    Open to: All
    Thread: Multi

    Eric sat on a stool at the bar in Alcide's body. He had just finished his supper (the process of eating human food felt weird to him after not having done it in over a thousand years), and he was taking advantage of the fact that Alcide could consume alcohol to enjoy a pint of whatever beer happened to be on tap.

    He was in a social mood and was hoping to find someone with whom he could make conversation. He was also really hoping that he might run into Bastian at some point in the evening. Based on the fact that he and Vala had both swapped bodies, he was guessing that this was a Folly-wide problem, and he had no idea which body his lover might be inhabiting.

    He turned on his stool and faced the room, taking a drink of his beer while he looked around.
    Monday, January 17th, 2011
    10:10 pm
    Body Swap, waking up
    Who: Vala
    Where: Inside the inn
    When: In the morning
    Open to: Eric
    Thread: Single

    It was early in the morning, Vala could tell by the bright light streaming in through the window and right into her eyes. "Eric, close the bloody curtains," she grumbled, turning over. She tried to go back to sleep but something wasn't quite right, something about that was off.

    It took a moment but then... light! In Eric's house! She flailed and sat up but Eric wasn't next to her and it wasn't his house nor his room she woke up in. "What the--" she broke off, her eyes widening. That was not her voice. She looked down at her body and it was not her body. There were parts missing that she remembered having the night before and new parts she didn't remember ever having.

    She stood up and moved to the mirror over the nightstand, Sam's face was staring right back at her. She reached out and touched the mirror and Sam did the same. She frowned and Sam's face frowned; she reached out and touched her cheek, poking it and Sam did the same.

    "Oh fuck me," she breathed.
    Sunday, January 16th, 2011
    9:47 pm
    Body Swap
    Seeing as how everyone seems to be ready now for a game, we're going to go ahead and do the body swap event now. Unlike a normal body swap this is not a straight swap (in that two people swap back and forth) but rather everyone switches around.

    The scenario
    Something has gone wrong on the island. Somewhere, some switch has activated making everyone on the island swap bodies. As the Folly members scramble to get used to their new bodies, they must try and figure out what caused the swap in the first place and reverse it. However! When they try to reverse the effect, it fails and everyone swaps into a second new body.

    In total your character will inhabit two different bodies during the body swap. The first round will take one week before the second switch occurs in which it will take another week before finally your character will return to their own body.

    I know everyone here has RL drama and issues that crop up quite often which makes constant logging difficult. To try and accommodate this without having this event go on forever the mods have decided the best thing to do is to have a week for everyone to at leaststart the threads you want to accomplish during the body swap week. You don't have to complete the threads within the week but you should start as many as you want during that week. I hope this helps everyone as it gives us all time to complete threads without also leaving our characters in strange bodies for too long.

    I tried to take into account what everyone wanted their pup to experience when coming up with the body swap assignments. I hope that I was able to accommodate everyone.

    Week 1
    Eric--> Alcide
    Alcide--> Vala
    Sam---> Eric
    Vala--> Sam
    Lucy--> Bastian
    Bastian--> Will
    Will--> Lucy

    Week 2
    Eric--> Vala
    Alcide--> Eric
    Sam--> Will
    Vala--> Bastian
    Lucy--> Sam
    Bastian--> Lucy
    Will--> Alcide

    To help keep confusion to a minimum I have created icons for everyone that shows at the top the original character and at the bottom who they have become. I apologise that some of the icons are not as awesome as others. My skills, while indeed formidable, are not completely awesome.

    Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

    Now, the great thing about this event is that you're going to have to talk with the mun who's body your pup is now inhabiting to get any information about the physical or location about the character that you need to know. For one, I know Will has his kitty that will follow him around and obviously Bastian and Eric can not go outside. But also that Sam and Alcide will be waking up naked next to each other as they are now inhabiting Eric and Vala (which should be all sorts of fun).

    I hope I have covered everything that is necessary. Any other questions? Comments? Complaints? Let me know here. And from now until next Monday the event is open to start with the first round of swaps! Have fun everyone!

    ETA of the first kind: The body swap could be over a full moon yes, however I will defer to Alcide-mun in case she doesn't want her pup to... become a pup with someone else in his body. :)

    ETA of the second kind: I don't feel this is absolutely necessary to remind everyone here as we are all experienced RPers, however it never hurts to be said: As some of the pups in the Folly are in intimate relationships with other pups, please check with the mun whose body yours is now inhabiting to check for any issues with that happening in their body. Thank you.
    Wednesday, January 5th, 2011
    1:50 pm
    Who: Sam
    Where: Outside the inn
    When: In the morning
    Open to: William
    Thread: Single

    Sam stood outside the inn in the bright morning light and looked around with curious eyes. He felt more alone than he had since Dean went to Hell, but was determined not to let it show. He had decided to explore his surroundings, partly to keep his mind active and partly to learn more about where he had ended up. He knew he should be more frightened, more off balance, but he was too tired, too used to the strange and unpleasant to feel more than slightly annoyed by his current situation.
    Sunday, January 2nd, 2011
    9:18 pm
    Who: Vala
    Where: Eric's house
    When: The next night after Lucy and Vala explore the castle
    Open to: Eric
    Thread: Single

    Vala shifted the bundle of furs in her arms to the side and knocked on Eric's door in. It was just after sundown and Vala wasn't sure if Eric was up yet or not. She had the furs that she and Lucy had found in the castle to give to Eric and she wanted to surprise him with them.

    When Eric didn't answer, she pushed the door open slightly and called out for him. "Eric? You awake yet darling?"
    7:24 pm
    Who: Eric
    When: after dark, the night after this thread.
    Where: Lucy's house
    Open To: Lucy
    Thread: Single

    Eric woke for the evening as full dark was falling. He dressed casually in a black track suit and tennis shoes before heading over to Lucy's house; he saw no need to dress nicely since they would be moving things around and getting dirty.

    When he arrived, he knocked loudly on her front door, waiting for her to answer the door and invite him inside.
    Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
    12:36 am
    Who: Alcide
    When: night
    Where: in and around the town
    Open To: OTA
    Thread: Multi

    He'd meant to hide out all three nights of the full moon. He'd thought it wouldn't be too hard to just stay in the inn all night. It had worked for him last month, after all. But the moon was so...full. So bright. To start with, he just opened his curtains a little, got to a place where he could see the moon, but he wasn't in the moonlight.

    It wasn't enough.

    It wasn't enough to remind himself that it was dangerous to go running in a confined space where he didn't know if there was enough small game around to keep him satisfied either.

    Eventually, he'd just had to go out. He stuck to the shadows as much as possible, sprinting through the small patches of moonlight he couldn't avoid until he was just outside the town proper. Once he's there, he finds a mostly secluded spot, strips out of his clothing and runs for the nearest patch of moonlight.

    [ooc: Feel free to catch him either as he's trying to get out of town or once he's changed into wolf-form.]
    Sunday, December 5th, 2010
    5:57 pm
    Who: Vala
    Where: At the Inn
    When: After dark
    Open to: Everyone! Come join in and enjoy having a pint to stave off the colder weather.
    Thread: Multi, feel free to jump in whenever and wherever you feel comfortable!

    Vala moved to stand behind the bar, grabbing a dishcloth to clean off some of the spills that had accumulated along the bar top. Carr had been absent the past few days and Vala had stepped in to help keep the tavern working and the ale flowing to the customers. A cowboy at the end of the bar flagged her down with a huge grin, holding up two fingers to her. She poured the man two large pints of ale and sent them down the bar end and to his waiting hands.

    Vala leaned forward against the bar top to listen to the local make-shift band begin to warm up as people began to slowly make their way into the tavern to get out of the biting cold; the evening was just starting and Vala was expecting a rather large turnout.
    Saturday, November 27th, 2010
    8:39 am
    Who: Eric
    Where: Bastian's flat
    When: After dark
    Open to: Bastian
    Thread: Single

    Eric had been concerned about Bastian since the pirate attack. There was the mysterious illness that had caused Bastian to pass out during the battle and left him weakened afterward. It bothered the blond that they still had no idea what had made his lover fall unconscious, and for all he knew, it could happen again.

    In addition to his concern for Bastian's physical well being, Eric was also wondering how his lover was faring mentally. He knew that the younger vampire had never fought in any battles prior to this one, and he had no idea how Bastian felt about what he'd done during the fight. He suspected that the brunette might be ashamed or disgusted with himself. He didn't particularly like what he was, after all.

    Lastly, Eric was worried about what his lover thought of him now that he'd seen him at his full capacity for violence. He hadn't shown any restraint during the battle, ripping limbs from the pirates' bodies and tearing out their throats with his fangs. He feared that the younger vampire would think him a monster now that he'd seen what the blond was capable of, that he wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

    Knowing that they had much to discuss (assuming that the younger vampire even wanted to see him), Eric arrived at the door to Bastian's flat with two warm bottles of Tru Blood from his house and a bottle of whiskey that he'd swiped from the inn. He knocked at the door and waited for the other vampire to answer, standing as still as a statue on the doorstep.
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