15 August 2009 @ 10:13 pm
Gonna Be Me  
Gonna Be Me by tanyart
Alpa finally arrives home and all he wants is to see Lance-- even if it means battling through a horde rabid fans and reporters.
Written by tanyart for fairy_tale_echo in the Yuletide 2008 Challenge
Fandom: Tropic Thunder
Rating: PG-13
07 January 2009 @ 03:41 pm
Fic: "Primrose Path" (Satan's Alley/Tropic Thunder; Adult; Slash)  
This is a pointer to a fic I wrote last August, immediately after my first viewing of Tropic Thunder.

Title: Primrose Path
Fandom: Um. So this is fic of Satan's Alley, one of the trailers of movies that don't exist, from the beginning of the movie that does exist, Tropic Thunder. I know, this is a fandom of like, four. It is likely possible to find the trailer at youtube or similar, should you wish to refresh your memory.
Pairing: Kirk Lazarus/Tobey Maguire (see note)
Summary: Kirk is a method actor, and his preparation for Satan's Alley is no different from any other role.
Rating: Adult
Words: 3850
A/N and disclaimers: Where to begin. Okay, for one thing, that trailer is basically all the canon that exists. I console myself with the knowledge that it's as much canon as we've ever had for Hannah Abbott or Gabrielle Delacouer, and people write fic about them anyway. For another, this isn't RPS; I make no claim that actual Tobey Maguire, who in that trailer is playing Tobey Maguire, is actually represented here at all. This is the character that would be the actor in that movie. Kirk Lazarus is a character in Tropic Thunder, in which he is a rather thoroughly invested method actor. His method means not breaking character, course, but also, canon (TT, not SA) suggests that sometimes his research may be flawed and/or not cover everything. Oh, and, thanks to [info]emiime for beta and suggestions.