10 February 2011 @ 09:23 am
Full Of Sound And Fury  
Title: Full Of Sound And Fury
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: Brian O'Conner/Dominic Toretto
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1260
Summary: On occasion, working on cars makes Dom horny.
Contains: No warnings in as far I know that can't be extrapolated from the header itself.
Disclaimer: The Fast and the Furious movies are owned by other companies. They are used here without permission, and for entertainment purposes only. No challenge or infringement upon the copyright is intended, nor should any be inferred. Written for sunsetmog for Yuletide 2010.
03 February 2011 @ 09:35 am
Love A Woman In Uniform  
Love A Woman In Uniform by [info]merfilly
Fandom: Fast and Furious Franchise
Pairing/Characters: Letty/Mia
Rating/Category: R / Fem
Word Count: 1104
Prompt: uniforms/military fetish
Spoilers: Disavows a key part of the fourth movie
Notes/Warnings: written for my kink bingo card.
25 January 2011 @ 09:06 am
Steady Hands  
Title: Steady Hands
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: Brian O'Conner/Roman Pearce/Dominic Toretto
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 400 (100x4)
Summary: Brian wasn't as subtle as he thought he was.
Contains: No warnings in as far I know that can't be extrapolated from the header itself.
Disclaimer: Fast and the Furious movies are owned by other companies. They are used here without permission, and for entertainment purposes only. No challenge or infringement upon the copyright is intended, nor should any be inferred. Written for heeroluva for Yuletide 2010.
20 January 2011 @ 11:40 am
Title: Mine
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: Letty Ortiz/Dominic Toretto
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dom was hers.
Contains: No warnings in as far I know that can't be extrapolated from the header itself.
Disclaimer: Fast and the Furious movies is owned by other companies. They are used here without permission, and for entertainment purposes only. No challenge or infringement upon the copyright is intended, nor should any be inferred. Written for catalinay for Yuletide 2010.