Bridget McKennitt
27 April 2010 @ 03:26 pm
Switched by [info]withthepilot
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu, Kirk/McCoy (with a twist~)
Word count: 1,393
Notes: Written for the following prompt by [info]moonfoot_gamgee over at a comment!fic party at [info]chulu: "Chekov and McCoy switch bodies. Sulu is baffled, but also amused because McCoy in Chekov's body is kind of hilarious. Shenanigans ensue." I was waiting to post this in case I wanted to make it longer but I think I like it as is.
Warning: Body-switching, as mentioned.
Summary: It's strange for Sulu, seeing his boyfriend in the doctor's body; but it's also somehow alluring.