Posts Tagged: 'michael+glass'

Jan. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

I think I might go to the Open Mic tonight!

Jan. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

This is some sort of hallucination, no? A dream.

Or, is this what hell is like. That does seem the most likely. Absence of my friends, my Apollo, my city. That does seem like some form of hell-like dimension. If not the one that Dante described. But, I supose that he is quite likely wrong due to not actually having experienced it first hand.

Anyway, I am told that this bizarre contraption would allow me to introduce myself to others and converse with them. And translate my words for me. Which is extrememly hard to imagine.

But, if it does indeed work. I am Grantaire.

Jan. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]


I guess I wont be going to class today.

I was given a little bit of information, but I have to admit it wasn't much.

Jan. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hello. I've been here for a few days and I realized I haven't properly introduced myself.

I'm Rose Tyler. Interesting place, this is, isn't it? Oh I've seen all sorts of strange things, but I never stopped to consider that witches and vampires were real. Then again, why not? I've seen a werewolf so it's not so impossible to think there wouldn't be other types of mystical beings about.

Jan. 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

Oh. Hello. Well, this was unexpected.

Don't suppose anyone's seen a blue box? With Police written on it.

Jan. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well this is just great Fuck you Captain Obvious One thing those of you who just arrived here might have realized - Morganville is good at keeping it's secrets from the outside world but not really from the people living here.

If any of you were wondering - Captain Obvious was telling the truth when he said I was a vampire. I'm not the danger he wants people to think I am. Not unless you threaten my roommates

[Glass House Residents]

This goes without saying but I'm doing it anyway - be careful alright? I'm not the only one of us he named and you all know as well as I do that there are people around here who think that being a "sympathizer" is as bad as being a vampire.

[OOC: Pretend this went up on the second after this]



[No Subject]

So, town run by vampires, huh? I'd like to say that's different. But, I'd be lying.

Is there really no way back? Because, no offence. But, I've got my own town to run.

Dec. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

I get I'm in Texas and they are trying to send us back.

But where is my son?

Dec. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Sweet Merlin.

Okay, trying really hard not to freak out right now.

Dec. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

If you're going to magically kidnap a girl, you could at least bring her friends with.

'Sup, Morganville? I'm Sally.

Dec. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

Not my first choice for a vacation.

Dec. 16th, 2015



netpost: Daisy Johnson

This is just what my day didn't need. Stranded in small town Texas? With vampires. Really not a fan.

Posted via Journaler.

Dec. 15th, 2015




I just wanted to say an official hi to you newbies. I'm Claire Danvers, I'm a student at TPU, and I know it's probably pretty confusing waking up in a strange place, but I can promise we're working on a way to send you home. In the meantime, if you need anything, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, we have this network set up for you guys. Be careful what you say, because the vamps are probably watching and you still can't get messages out to anyone who isn't here in Morganville, but at least it's something.

( Glass House Residents )
I'm never going to figure this out. I don't even understand how it happened, let alone how to send them home.

Posted via Journaler.

Dec. 6th, 2015




Welcome to Morganville.