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Montenegro University

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I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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001 [02 May 2012|04:21pm]
In light of recent events I must say that it was rather refreshing to hear such voices sing out loud as if struck by the bolt of a musical god. I must be honest though, because honesty is the best policy, but some of you should only sing in the shower. Some of your voices were, oh how do I say this? Some of you need a lot of training, but I commend you for your passion! Indeed sometimes passion does beat out technicality, but keyword here; "sometimes."

With the school year almost at it's end, and you students signing up for your next classes, I encourage any of you to sign up for a drama class! Beginning students would be best advised to sign up for the intro to theater course, and let me forewarn you now, make sure to bring in a decent pair of earplugs; especially if you wish to sit in the front of the class. I highly discourage it, but front row sitters will be front row sitters! Once you sign up, and sit through my class you will soon understand the need for such sound blocking devices. I have to wonder if such a warning was needed, since I'm sure a number of you have heard me in the theater department.

Oh now, where are my manners? Yes, I am Nicholaus Wolf in this life, but some of you might come to know me as the king of the northwest of a certain place which I will say right now, is not in the center of the Earth. That aside I am the head of theater department, a fitting role if I do say so myself.

[Filtered to other fallen members of the Judeo-Christian pantheon.]

If I were to ask you where I might find the Morning Star, in what direction would you point me?

1♣ [02 May 2012|07:28pm]
[ mood | geeky ]

Today on The Love Line, we discussed pick-up lines. People had a lot of great ones, and some that were proven duds. I think I've got a few new ones to try next time I go out. Tomorrow, we'll be talking about getting over a cheater, and as always we're open to questions. Just filter them to me, Andrew (or Andy, idgaf), and I'll do my best to help you out.

Now, have a PSA - Summer is coming, and those of us who work at The Love Line know how tough it can be to spend the warmer months without someone special to hang with and to help you spread suntan lotion over those special areas. Still, when you're out and about searching for that magic person who gets your motor running, we urge you to be cautious.

Sometimes, the pauper can put on some nice clothes and pretend to be a prince if it gets him what he wants, and a lady can be hiding a tramp under that smile. So take it from me the one and only (soon to be) Doctor Hart - the heart is still a muscle and can be pulled, strained, or torn with the best of them. Use your head before losing your heart over someone who doesn't deserve it.

four. [02 May 2012|07:33pm]
There's something about being greeted at the door by your pet when you arrive home. It's endearing. And adorable. And, in most cases, it means that your pet loves you and has been waiting for you to come home.

When Steve greets me at the door, on the other hand, it probably means that he's escaped from his cage for the thirteenth time in the last few weeks and is actively trying to figure out the lock on the door so that he can slither down the hall and scare the shit out of the neighbors' gerbils.

And maybe that he loves me. Just a little.

But mostly it's the gerbils.

[Filter: Charon/Coyote]

And, before I forget: What time do you finish up with classes tomorrow, sweetcheeks?

[02 May 2012|08:08pm]
Coffee makes me feel philosophical, so: there's a poem, a famous poem, called "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer". It was written by John Keats, and it talks about how a really good work of art can spark something inside you, some great new outlook on life. It's all about Apollo and the Delos and the Greeks and stuff, and who doesn't love the Greeks? Well, except the Trojans I guess. Anyway, the ending goes like this:

...[L]ike stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star'd at the Pacific — and all his men
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise —
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

That's a little like how I feel right now, you know? Or I think it is anyway, I was never much of an English student. But I think it's saying how sometimes, great new experiences go beyond words you know? I've seen so much stuff at this college, most of it really fucki weird but I'm better for having seen it. I can't put it into words most of the time, and I'm not the sort of guy who speaks for the sake of speaking, so I think some people interpret that as being boring? I'm not the life of the party, I know I never will be, but how much is that is because of my natural state, and how much of it is because -a little like Hernán Cortez- I'm staring at this college silent, upon in peak in Montenegro?

OK I guess 'staring' sounds weird, but it's artistic license you know? I'm not really watching everyone. For starters, I don't need to and for seconds it'd take me twice as long as everyone else and who the hell has that kind of free time?

twenty-four. [02 May 2012|08:59pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

[Filter; Private]
Fuck, I had no idea this would be so hard. I keep wanting to text, set up a meeting, or just fucking see him, but I know if I do I might slip up and say something stupid. He hasn't said anything, so he probably doesn't care. I should take that as a sign and stop being such a dumb bitch, but whatever. I'm allowed to be ridiculous every now and then.

[Filter; Public]

Shitfuck, finals are just around the corner. Anyone want to help me with my final paper for Deviance and Social Control? Or let me practice Arabic on them? Fuuuuuuck At least I know I'm acing Comparative Military Systems and Tactical Decision Making.

Signed up for summer courses, hoping to get my Psych and Lit requirements out of the way before the Fall semester. Is anyone else sticking around for the summer, or am I the only dork?

...I was gonna post another poem, but it's pretty private so I decided not to.

[Filter; Jonathan]
Hey. Your little sister offered to take me to look at dresses. Consider me creeped out.

006 [02 May 2012|10:43pm]

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