Monday, April 5th, 2010

RSS FEED: From The New York Times Online (Evening Edition)

Department of Interior Panel Declares US Habitation Border To Be Officially East of Mississippi River
Published: 5 April 2029

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a morning press conference, Chief Information Officer Jamie Corbett confirmed the Department of the Interior’s decision to finalize the habitation border of the United States of America on the eastern side of the Mississippi River, thereby indirectly issuing an edict to thousands of Americans in Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, western Louisiana, and western Minnesota to evacuate. The decision was reached after the findings of last week’s National Fallout Congress were released over the weekend.

Reasons cited as a major cause for the ruling included elevated levels of uranium in multiple soil test points along major port cities along the Mississippi, as well as air quality and water purity readings taken from September 2027 until January 2029. It is expected that citizens Saint Paul, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, Louisiana will be allowed to maintain their residency despite being on either side of the river due to their status as the seat of government in what remains of the states after the new boundaries are drawn. It is also rumored that New Orleans will also be granted reprieve, although finalized sources on this point have been difficult to obtain as of deadline.

By the noon hour, pundits and the everyman alike had something to say on the decision, calling the ruling everything from “a grand move for public safety” to a reckless bid to sacrificing the rights of the common landowner at the expense of an increasingly Koetke-esque agenda. As of 7:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Secretary of the Interior Tabatha Schlottmann was unavailable for comment.

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Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Entertainment Tonight Broadcast

Today is Wednesday March 24 and you're watching Entertainment Tonight )
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Monday, March 15th, 2010

RSS FEED: From The New York Times Online

Crichton Expresses Solidarity As Housing and Redistricting Act Passes Into Law
Published: 15 March 2029

NEW YORK, NEW YORK. Today, Mayor Crichton held a press conference to announce his support--though some might call it acquiescence--for the new Housing and Redistricting Act recently passed in Washington. The Act signs into law the new districting procedures that have been in effect since the beginning of the influx of displaced Westerners to the East Coast.

"As Washington has passed it, this act presents no significant change to your current daily lives," the Mayor said. "The Districts will remain categorized as they've been throughout the assimilation process, keeping in mind the maximization of housing efficiency necessary in these difficult times."

"Our most basic goal, as always, remains making certain everyone in the city has a place to live, combating the scourge of homelessness at the root through social work programs and a utilization of the act to its fullest potential."

When asked...

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Saturday, March 13th, 2010

RSS FEED: From The New York Times Online

In Shocking Decision, Schlottmann Chosen to Reprise Role as Secretary of the Interior
Published: 13 March 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a noontime press conference, President Janet Edwards announced today her decision to conclude her latest round of Cabinet nominations by proposing that Tabatha Schlottmann, Former Secretary of the Interior for the Koetke administration, should reprise her leadership role within the agency. This announcement, made in light of Edwards’ campaign promises to “renovate Washington and the nation from the ground-up” even as late as November 2028, has sent pundits in a frenzy as both supporters and detractors attempt to decipher what this means for Edwards’ environmental policy in the coming term.

“When it comes to the problems that plague our Western lands, we can’t use partisan tactics to heal our wounds. Tabatha is the only woman presently equipped with the knowledge and experience to lead and advise on matters affecting our abandoned territories. Our administration has faith in Ms. Schlottmann’s abilities to lead us through these difficult times and help America emerge triumphant, regardless of ideology,” Edwards was reported as saying.

Supporters and detractors alike have been reported as expressing great ambivalence for the reprisal of Schlottmann to her role within the Department of the Interior, citing her actions within the Koetke administration concerning her involvement in […]

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