Monday, November 12th, 2012

Were you ever here before?

WHO: Cloud Strife.
WHEN: The day after the battle.
WHERE: Somewhere outside of Balamb.
WHAT: Cloud comes back to consciousness...without his Sorceress.

this is also a placeholder i'm so sorry )
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Friday, November 9th, 2012


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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Oh my old friends, they don't know me now.

WHO: Quistis Trepe.
WHEN: November 6th, eve of the battle.
WHERE: Balamb Garden.
WHAT: Quistis gathers her many messy thoughts.

this is a placeholder before the plot goes up la la la )
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Monday, November 5th, 2012

joining the placeholder train.

WHO: Blank Talbot, Rosso Vermeil, and Azul Triste.
WHAT: "Now I want you to write 'I must not tell lies.'" "How many times?" "Well, let's just say, as long as it takes for the message to... sink in."
WHEN: Last Saturday, 3-5pm, per this.
WHERE: The Crimson's office.

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the heavens at my birth intended me for stardom

who: rubes
what: thoughts & training, etc.
when: recently!!! during tsviet/galbadian army preparations.
status: i promise one day SOON i will finish all the narratives i need to write. they're all almost done. gdi. placeholder holding places while this is still vaguely relevant.
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Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Don't tell me this is goodbye. I won't grieve. It's not yet time.


Who: Aliste Rosenheim
What: post funeral thoughts. Also Alexandria #feels!!1!
When: Sometime this week.
Status/Rating: PG-13 (?) It might be kinda graphic.

Placeholder )
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there's something about you and me that's negative in chemistry

placeholder )
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Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

WHO: Zack Fair & Cloud Strife.
WHEN/WHERE: Late Sunday evening / The Gold(en?) Saucer.
WHAT: FEELS. Things are discussed! Like Zack wanting to put a ring on it.

This is a placeholder. )
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Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Who: Relm Arrowny.
What: Processing...sort of
Where: Jumps all over the place.
When: Edea Mission Day One.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete

She would not become a burden. )
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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012


WHO: Yuri and Chelinka Latov

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WHO Ace Ryusaki & Cinque Otto
WHAT Ace helps Cinque with her Wutai Style video and they're cute.
WHEN Before Edea mission.
WHERE One of the training rooms.
Something was happening. )
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Saturday, August 25th, 2012

WHO: Eiko Carol, cameo by a npc Balamb staff member
WHAT: Eiko tries to deal with the upcoming mission, with mixed results. [narrative]
WHEN: BACKDATED to Monday morning, then jump forward to Friday night (because this week really got away from me and I am combining mini-narratives)
WHERE: in a central courtyard, perfect for broadcasting letting one's feelings be known, and Eiko’s room
RATING: none really, just some sadness and HDL (High Decibel Levels)

this is a placeholder, to make things worse )
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Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

log. it's not celeb rp ok.

WHO: Queen Getzby, Cater Lee, and Nyl Orran and Leem Pain of Your Protection
WHAT: A president, an agent provocateur and a pair of popstars do dinner. Sort of.
WHEN: Tonight, 7 pm.
WHERE: Captial city of Alexandria. The Hildegarde restaurant.
RATING: h for hilarzbalzz

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Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

The words are all escaping, and coming back all damaged.

WHO: Princess Ovelia Atkascha. Guest appearance by a flaming dragon.
WHEN/WHERE: Shin-Ra's laboratories, when SOLDIER attacks.

Reis -- get up. We have to go. Now. )
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Tuesday, July 31st, 2012


WHO: Venka Vavra and Shuyin Vegna
WHEN: Today, 4pm.
WHERE: Lobby.
RATING: R for language and violence, probs. And G for repressed Gayness.
NOTES: Tiff and I have been planning a battle royale for a while for these two, so here's what's up: For about 45 seconds, it looks like Venka might actually not embarrass himself, but it pretty much doesn't last long. For a good chunk of time, 3-5 minutes, Shu was able to totally hammer away at Venka, who has put up a barrier spell so people can't easily get at them while they fight. And I mean like, really hammer him. All of Venka's physical swings are really pathetic. After a VERY inexpert headbutt on Venka's part, he gets away, uses Vanish to disappear, sends a controlled, minor quake spell to put Shu on his ass, and then casts Bioga. At this point, his Vanish is gone, and he'll kneel by Shu and something to him that no one else can hear. He then lifts the Bioga, uses Esuna to get rid of any effects of the spell only, and then manages to drag his ass out of the view of most of the crowd before actually passing out behind a potted plant or something.
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Saturday, July 21st, 2012

WHO: Aerith Gainsborough and Zack Fair
WHEN: July 21, evening.
WHERE: Balamb Garden.

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Thursday, July 19th, 2012

and the blood runs crazy with giant strides.

WHO: Seifer Almasy & Sorceress Edea.
WHAT: A chance encounter and a prelude.
WHEN: Fairly recently, before she leaves for Midgar.
WHERE: In the school hallways.
STATUS: Unfinished.

Her outfits were less ludicrous when she wasn’t on public display – they were at their most ostentatious when standing at a lectern and giving widely-broadcasted speeches, the golden-spiked arch on her shoulders trebling the woman’s size and turning her intimidating, forbidding.

Less ludicrous, then, in her daily wanderings around Balamb Garden. But still noticeable. Sorceress Edea was clad in all black, the hem of her dress sweeping along the concrete walkways yet seemingly never accruing dirt or dust or mud, her neckline fringed with a fur ruff despite the summer heat. Not a single drop of sweat on her forehead and her skin was still pale as snow, without a single blush warming her cheeks. Her hair never drifted out of its tight, coiling bun (with its tendrils that looked, unnervingly, like snakes).

He wondered if she used magic for that. To never look unkempt or bedraggled, no matter the circumstances.

Leaning against the wall and watching the ambassador pass, the entire world seemed to slow down a little. Seifer tilted his head, watching Edea continue across the wide open concourse of Balamb’s entrance, between the fountains and the long, sleek benches. He hadn’t sought her out much since her arrival at the Garden, despite the deep yearning to. He was just some punk-ass cadet and she was Sorceress Edea. She looked like she’d stepped right out of the spheres (or more accurately, one particular sphere, dusty and cracked and stashed in his collection). What would he possibly have to say to her? Nothing of value.

But there was no harm in watching and looking, was there? (Perhaps Rinoa would be like this someday – tall and black and forbidding – yet that was a thought for another day.)

He watched her pass, green eyes narrowed slightly.

Five minutes. Five more minutes, and then he’d head to lunch.
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Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Hi this is a placeholder because last night Zack ran to Aerith's room and kissed her in the hallway where everyone could see. Start your engines, Balamb rumor mill.

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