Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Aug. 1st, 2008|12:16 am]
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Who: Gloria Cleary and Jack Sparrow
What: The aftermath from the Pheromones.
Where: Gloria's Room
When: Morning-ish; Day Nine
Rating: Again, it's Gloria.. M for Mature.
Status: In Progress

You want me to stay; But I got to make my way )
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[Jul. 11th, 2008|11:23 am]
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Who: Gloria Cleary and Jack Sparrow
What: Pheromones infect Gloria; Jack is the first person she sees.
Where: The Gardens; closer by the resort and Spa.
When: Day Seven. Midday a little after noon.
Rating: With Gloria on Pheromones? May get a little Mature.
Status: Complete.

Now there's one way to forget about Jeremy. )
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[Jul. 4th, 2008|11:49 pm]
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Who: Gloria Cleary and Open
What: Gloria's Arrival
Where: The Lake
When: 11:00 A.M.
Rating: She's a naughty girl; PG-13 or Subject to Change!

Just when Life and everything around it felt so Perfect.. )
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