Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

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Age of Miracles: The OOC Community



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August 1st, 2008

Hiatus update

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts and the game when I can, as I don't actually have home internet yet. I'm still around, and am working my butt off to be able to get back. I just wanted to update people and let you all know that I miss everyone.

-Daniel (Exodus and Shatterstar)

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Considering that the hiatus list is about half the game, including both moderators, I'm going to forego the activity check this time around. Regular checks will resume August 15th.

July 30th, 2008


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I know I haven't been around much this summer due to some personal issues in my hectic and often crazy life. I have been trying to post some but it's been intermittent. And well, it looks like it will be a little longer until I come back full-time. I am in the process of moving and it will be some time before things are all properly set-up at the new abode.

I have not, however, abandoned the game. If you see me on AIM, please feel free to poke at me or email me for stuff. I will probably be happy to have the distraction. I've got two threads in progress at the moment that I have not forgotten about, just been buried under boxes. (Mel, did you still want to do that backdated log? And I know that the FOH thing is still ongoing, right?)

-- Corri

July 29th, 2008

F'list update

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Please update your f'lists!

Unfortuately, we've lost Nick and Daniel (and their characters) and Angel and Mystique are up for adoption, but Kat is back with Postman. So yay!

Please let us know if you see anything on the info pages that's out-of-date or wrong!

have some friends!

July 25th, 2008


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FYI, I'm going out of town Monday through Friday. Have fun without me!

July 24th, 2008

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Retakes are done, so I'm back! I'm still kind of busy with saying goodbye to people and packing so I can move home in exactly a week (long fucking story), but feel free to poke me anytime for fun rp tiemz.


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Sooo, my contract with my current job runs out in 185 hours and 10 minutes (not that I'm counting down or anything) and I'm fairly lucky in that I don't need to start looking for a new one for a couple of months at least. That means I'll have much more time for RP, so if anyone wants to poke at Rahne or Forge to go out and play, feel free.

Also, I'm terrible at poking at people, so I apologise in advance for any half-arsed attempts (or lack-of) at communication by myself.

July 22nd, 2008

Not a Hiatus, Just a Note

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So, this weekend is my show...finally. The past few weeks, I've been less than attentive mostly because I've been slightly stressed with the show, which I think is causing me some sickness in the midst of it all.

Anyway, this week, as it's the official "tech" week, I will be even more less than attentive. I'm not going on a hiatus until Sunday because I know I'll pop in during the evenings, but I can't promise that I'll be here completely in a mental sort of way.

Once my show is over, I'll be able to focus on all my games, characters and actually do more interacting with people than I am now. I'd really like to get some more plotty stuff in. So, just give me until Sunday, and I'll have my life back in order. :)

I tagged this hiatus to keep our lovely mods sane. ;)

July 20th, 2008

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Hey, folks -- KD here. I'm having a lot of connection problems lately and we're looking to get them fixed soon. I'm heading into a busy period but I'll be posting whenever I can, provided my connection holds out. Just so you know. It's a bit of a continued semi-hiatus. :O

July 17th, 2008

Summary: June 1-30

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the story so far ... with few embellishments

June 1 - June 15 )


the story so far ... with few embellishments

June 16-June 30 )

Summary: May 16 - 31, 2008

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the story so far ... with few embellishments

What happened since the last edition? STUFF. SHH. IT IS MAY'S SUMMARY. IN JULY. FINALLY. :D

May 16-May 31 )


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And we're back again.

At least, I am, and so is David! Things are all settled 'n stuff, I have a computer with internet and time to slack off, so I'm excited to be back in things again!

If anyone has any interest in randomly meeting a repressed-but-good-natured psychologist or a walking disco ball, let me know!


Summary: May 1 - 15, 2008

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the story so far ... with few embellishments

What happened since the last edition? Does it matter? FRIGGIN' SUMMARY! FINALLY! This section is brought to you by Krimberly!

May 1 - May 15 )

July 16th, 2008

Activity Check

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You know the drill!

Current Activity Standings )

July 15th, 2008

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I know I just posted about being on hiatus, but... I have my retakes for my MA exams in exactly a week, guys. I NEED to do well. So I won't be around for the next week. I will miss you all. ♥

July 14th, 2008

Fight Fight Fight!

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Cut, for your viewing pleasure! )

July 9th, 2008

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And another heads-up, which I meant to post last night but totally spaced on doing.

Going home for a few days in... uh... about half an hour, and kidnapping taking Lisa with me. Should be able to read email, but that's about it, because it is a NON-STOP PARTY at my house, believe you me. We'll be back.. um... well actually that's sort of up in the air at the minute, so you'll find out later. :D

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Just as a head's up: I'll be gone from Friday through Sunday. I'll have my phone on me, and possibly my laptop, but I don't know that that laptop will have interwebz, and I probably won't be checking it much anyway.

But I just wanted to let people know who I'm in threads/logs with:D

July 6th, 2008

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Please update your flists! The following characters have been removed for inactivity:
Aldine, Ruth
Borkowski, Victor
Ichiki, Hisako
Oyama, Yuriko
Postman, David

If you want these characters back, please contact us at

have some friends!

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