Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

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Age of Miracles: The OOC Community



August 30th, 2008


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So, my internet, after a long period of completely sucking ass, has seemed to quit on me. We're getting a technician in on Tuesday at the latest. Uh. So I said I was back, but I really have a hard time ... doing anything for AOM when I have this problem. So please ping me for scenes, link me to scenes I'm still active in, but I really can't do much. :( :(

EDIT: My 'net comes back for short periods of time, so when it's around I am taking care of stuff and posting as I can!

August 12th, 2008

Short Hiatus

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Hi everyone.

I'm going to take a two-week hiatus. Between work and everything else, I am physically and emotionally drained. I just need a little time to re-kickstart myself.

I plan to return by August 25th. It's possible I'll return sooner but I'll probably just tell myself to take the time off. I guess I will just play it by ear at that point.

<3 Danika
(and Paige. Who wants her own room. :D)

August 11th, 2008

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I was sort of hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but I think I might have to add myself to the semi-hiatus list for the next week, and possibly until the 25th. I'm in California visiting a friend, and will then be going to Vermont to visit my boyfriend, and will at no time be able to have consistent chances to check up on things. I will have periodic internet, and will be around when I can, but I can't say when that will be or for how long.

So ... Mystique is getting settled back at the Lair and will probably be busy trying to research some things. Cait's playing nice, unless John actually ends up trying to attack something in which case she is so very in, or unless Dominic shows up again in which case he gets flying tackles and ain't goin' anywhere for a day or two, and David ... is not having the best dreams, and is probably trying to be nice to Arla. And playing a lot of basketball.

Much <3s until I can be properly back,


August 1st, 2008

Hiatus update

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I've been trying to keep up with the posts and the game when I can, as I don't actually have home internet yet. I'm still around, and am working my butt off to be able to get back. I just wanted to update people and let you all know that I miss everyone.

-Daniel (Exodus and Shatterstar)

July 25th, 2008


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FYI, I'm going out of town Monday through Friday. Have fun without me!

July 22nd, 2008

Not a Hiatus, Just a Note

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So, this weekend is my show...finally. The past few weeks, I've been less than attentive mostly because I've been slightly stressed with the show, which I think is causing me some sickness in the midst of it all.

Anyway, this week, as it's the official "tech" week, I will be even more less than attentive. I'm not going on a hiatus until Sunday because I know I'll pop in during the evenings, but I can't promise that I'll be here completely in a mental sort of way.

Once my show is over, I'll be able to focus on all my games, characters and actually do more interacting with people than I am now. I'd really like to get some more plotty stuff in. So, just give me until Sunday, and I'll have my life back in order. :)

I tagged this hiatus to keep our lovely mods sane. ;)

July 20th, 2008

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Hey, folks -- KD here. I'm having a lot of connection problems lately and we're looking to get them fixed soon. I'm heading into a busy period but I'll be posting whenever I can, provided my connection holds out. Just so you know. It's a bit of a continued semi-hiatus. :O

July 5th, 2008

KD says here but not rly.

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Uh, hi guys :)

In case you haven't noticed, I've been really sparse lately. I've been having a hard time keeping up with the RP stuff except for a couple things. So, I'm AROUND. I am definitely around, but I'm going to be taking a break from threading except for the threads I have going and logs in GDocs. Once I get them squared away and take care of some important things in my life, I'll be coming back in full force. I'm SURE I will still be commenting and updating, because whenever I say "hiatus" I always end up posting MORE than when I say I'm not on hiatus. Either way, this is just a warning to say I am going to refrain from threads for a while. Journal entries and comments, yus, if so inspired! So I'm here. But I just want to make that known, so I don't put too much pressure on myself. I have a lot of stuff to take care of in real life and very little of it is getting done.

Also, as a mod note, HAVE YOU MISSED SUMMARIES? Yeah? Maybe? Yeah. Um. Blame me. I still have half of May to do, and... yes, we are getting on that. Or, I am getting on that. It's my fault it's not done!

June 23rd, 2008

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I'm having issues.
Corri, I'm sorry I haven't set up that thread yet - again, issues.
Semi hiatus for at least this week, I'll be back strong Monday - hopefully.

June 18th, 2008

Temp Hiatus-ey Stuff

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Hey all. I'm not really officially on a hiatus but...

I'm moving in 13 days counting today and I haven't even started packing. EEP!

We move on the 30th and I'm hoping we have the cable/internet set up on July 1st. So even after I do the actual move, I may be without internet access. Comcast is being a thorn in my side about giving me an actual date to come out. They're just being bitchy because I'm not falling for their package scams. >:)

Anyhoodle, that's what is going on with me. If my AIM is up, check the away message. If there is none or it says "Packing!" then feel free to IM me because I'm here. Otherwise, I may be absent.

If packing proves to be more difficult than I originally thought, I'll let y'all know and write Paige out temporarily.

Hugs 'n Squishes!
-- Danika --

June 12th, 2008

Goin' awaaaay!

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Hey, folks!

Just letting you guys all know that I (KD!) will be going to visit Krim for the weekend, so I... will not be around. I'm leaving Friday morning and returning ... Monday morning, I believe. Knowing me (and her) I will probably still check up on things. :) So it's not really a hiatus even though I tagged it as such; I'm just gone for the weekend.

Also, summary for all of May and the first half of June WILL get done after I get back. It's been a little crazy for a while.

Also also, while I have you, here's a reminder to please send all mod-related questions to the mod e-mail at If you're looking to ask me personally about something regarding a character, some logging, etcetc, by all means use my regular e-mail, but anything that's mod related should go to the mod e-mail so both mods receive it.

And on a third mod note! :O Plot-wise, the only thing that is going on right now is that the elections are being held on Monday, June 16. So, if your character can vote, your character should vote. If he/she wants to. :) Umm... there's some stuff with the FOH regarding Tabitha Smith (oh hai remember her?) being held captive, but that's pretty background. We're slow on the plot right now so don't think you're missing out on anything!

& .. I am off to make some cookies.

June 8th, 2008

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Sorry I disappeared for the past two days. I needed to catch some sleep or I'd become a zombie. Seriously. Finals are wearing me out and the worst thing is that I'm still not done! But thankfully, my next (and last) final is the 16th, so I'll be on every day and will be able to tag and play with everyone as usual. ^^

But if I disappear for a couple of days, that's just me trying to get some sleep after staying up studying until 4 or 5AM. xD

mary xoxo


March 29th, 2008


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I've come to the decision that I need to take a break from AoM for a while. Love the game, but burn out is teh suxx0rz. Need to recuperate, plan and bring my girls back refreshed and better. If I'm in threads with you, give me a poke and I'll make sure to finish those up, but that's all I'm doing for the next week or two.


what my critters are doing )

March 27th, 2008

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OK, so. I've been away for...a shockingly long time, and I'm sorry. I had to wade through three of four pages of updates in order to catch up to where we are, and that sort of thing really shouldn't happen, but it did.

However, you probably all deserve an explanation as to why I vanished, and why I might unfortunately vanish for a short while longer. I've known some of you for almost two years? That's a long time. Over seven hundred generations to a mayfly. I sound insane, and this IS insane but stick with me.

As some of you know, I went back to England for Spring Break. Which was great. However, not so great was the flight back to the US, in which I killed a woman. Accidentally, but I think it's safe to say that I directly caused her death - and then, to make things better, had to sit next to her body for the six hours left of the flight. This has caused some internal rewiring, and I'm finding it really difficult to concentrate on anything for any length of time. Which isn't fantastic when I have three papers to write, but that's neither here nor there. I'm going to try and catch up as best as I can, but if I disappear again then you know why. Hopefully, I'll just get over this and be back to normal services soon, because I don't want to leave/get chased out of the place by an angry mob for contributing nothing.

So yeah. That's that. I'm still on AIM, I'm still on email and everything. I'm just temporarily crazy, or something.

- Rory.

March 26th, 2008

Sort-of Hiatus?

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I'm really sorry for going quiet recently, and I don't know exactly when I'll be back to normal service. My granny's really ill, so much so that the doctors are saying she has only a few days left. I know I left a thread in the lurch, and I meant to have Rahne go and paint eggs with Artie, and I'm sorry about that, but my head's not exactly in an RP-type place.

I'll try and post/reply when I can, but I don't know how often that'll be. Sorry :(

March 21st, 2008


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I've been considering this for a while, and it seems to just be the best thing. I am going to be taking a semi-hiatus until around Mid-April. For those of you who haven't witnessed my stress rants (be very thankful for that), I'm in the middle of my last semester of classes at grad school and things are getting crazy hectic. I've just got a ton of papers to write, thesis committees to put together, and presentations to design. And there's another round of exams coming up right after I head back to school next week and I need to focus on that for a while.

This does not mean I won't be checking in from time to time. And I know I've got promised logs/threads/plots planned with people that I won't be abandoning. I promise. You can still catch me on AIM or e-mail me if you need something. I'll be around . . . just sort of not as around as I usually am.


March 18th, 2008

Ruh roh!

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It's not a hiatus, but it's kind of close right now. :x

I just started rehearsals for The Full Monty and I am also still working for Mad Science.. so... Mad Science during the day, rehearsals at night. I still have mornings and late-nights free, but I won't have a lot of time for the next few weeks. Once I leave my job I will have days free, and then I'll be gone most nights until June. However, I was here during my time at Shakespeare & Company, so I KNOW I will be around----I just want to give you all a heads up just in case I'm not quite as active with my characters and focusing instead on working with Mel to get this plot worked out through OOC posts and news articles (it's a lot of writing to do). I'm going to try and manage it all, and I usually manage it all, but in case I can't... there you go. :)


February 16th, 2008

Hiatus Notice

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I do so hate to do this, especially after so recently coming of hiatus, but Matt and I (Dan) need to declare hiatus until further notice, as our house decided it didn't like how it looked and set itself on fire. We are both okay, but we don't know what's salvagable yet and what isn't, nor do we technically have an official place to stay yet, so one night we might have internet, one night we might not. The house itself is structually sound, but it is inhabitable until it is back up to code, standard procedure.

I hate it, it sucks, and I'm sorry to inconvienence people, which I know is foolish because most of you easily are like "dude, take care of the fire thing first, real life and all that". Anyway, we will be keeping you updated as we know more about what's going on, and I am really sorry about everything. Hope to be back very soon.

Until then though, here is the list of characters to add to the hiatus menu.
Exodus (Bennet du Paris)
Shatterstar (Benjamin Russell)
Black Box (Garabed Basher)
Synch (Everett Thomas)

Once again, sorry and we will try to get everything back to normal (for us anyway) as soon as possible.


Edit 1: Matt has internet during the week at work, so he can still be gotten a hold of and can still check his email and all that jazz. He just wanted to add that to the thing.

February 8th, 2008

people can't eat stain glass barstools!

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As most of you may or may not know, I'll be leaving in two weeks on a family vacation and will be gone February 23 until March 6 or 7. I think we come home on March 5, but I honestly don't remember. I won't want to remember when I come home considering we're visiting lots of tropical places. Anyway, since the entire week before the trip will be last minute running around like crazy people week packing and getting ready, I will probably not post any new threads/google docs/etc beginning the end of next week. I will also be working to make sure any threads I currently have open are wrapped up in some way, shape or form so I don't leave anyway sitting and waiting for me to get back a week and so many days later.

That said, if anyone had any future plans for threads/google docs/etc for Bobby, Julian or Kimberly, I would love you forever if you let me know now and we can get those out of the way. If not, that's even better!

I haven't quite decided what I'm going to be doing with Bobby, Julian and Kimberly while I'm away. I may just leave them where they are and just let people have at them when and if they're needed. ;)

That's all for now. :)

Kellie (who is using the scarf!bobby icon for KD)
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