Age of Miracles: The OOC Community

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Age of Miracles: The OOC Community



December 12th, 2008

Family Emergency

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It seems like all I'm writing are OOC/Hiatus posts.

From chronic fatigue to a father across the country who attempted suicide sometime last night or this morning.

I'm flying across the country first thing in the morning to take over everything legal while my dad is on life support in the ICU. As of right now, there isn't much information in terms of his recovery or status. I don't know how long I'll be out there, where I'll be staying for the extended time, etc.

So I am officially on hiatus and I ask for your continued patience with me.

Thank you.

-- Danika --
Paige & Warren

November 27th, 2008

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November 23rd, 2008

ooc: slow. no energy.

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So lately I've been dealing with another bout of chronic fatigue and the doctor is just kinda like "well there isn't anything I can prescribe you. We'll just run some bloodwork and see if we can (blah blah blah blah)"

As the game has been running fairly slow, it hasn't been much of a task to keep up but I know my activity has been very diminished. I'm not exactly on a hiatus, just trying to more explain myself and ask for patience. My energy level is very low and it has been somewhat of a chore just to sit down at my computer after work and expend any amount of extra energy trying to be creative.

For that, I apologize. Hopefully they can work on doing whatever doctors do best and get me back into a more normal range of whatever I'm lacking.

-- Danika --
Paige Guthrie & Warren Worthington, III

October 26th, 2008


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I have my last retake for my MA on the 3d and will be desperately cramming until then. See you all in a week and a half! ♥

October 17th, 2008


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Just a heads-up. I'm on vacation all next week. No clue yet if I'll have any internet access. We'll see :) But if not, I'll be back on the 27th (I leave this Sunday)

<3 Danika
(And Paige. And Warren.)

October 11th, 2008

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Just thought I'd toss it out there since it seems to be making its rounds into every game I'm not in, lmfao.

Voting for comic book RP awards.

Edit: I think I'm burned out. So I'm going to take a week off.

October 5th, 2008

Mod Post: We're still here :D

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Hi, folks! KD here, just wanting to let you know that there's still stuff going on ... it's a busy time for a lot of people, and for Mel and me in particular. We're chugging along as best we can! Once Mel's finished with her move (and my work/theatre business is back to being a well-oiled machine) we're going to get the plot moving further forward. So this is a good time to foster character relationships, have them go on ... mini-adventures or whatever it is they'd like to do.

If there's something that needs to be done on the mod journal and hasn't been done, please comment and list it here. There's a lot that's outdated and I haven't had a chance to really collect it all and work on it. Things I know I need to do include:

+ New pictures on the cast list to avoid broken GJ links
+ Add Destiny and Armor to cast list


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Aaaand on the new (old?) characters note, I'm picking Hisako up again, if anyone feels like adding her to friends lists once more!

Over the time period in which she has not been played, Hisako as been registered, and therefore should probably be deported, except that her grand plan is to hide under the stairs, and punch anyone who tries to take her back. She has been wearing long sleeves almost constantly, to cover the tattoo.

And as always, would love to do something with someone, possibly her own age!

<3 Kat

More Cartoon :D

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Wolverine and the X-men Episode 5

September 30th, 2008


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So I had a wedding, and then an essay, and I definitely don`t remember giving time permission to pass this quickly, but the point is that I apparently vanished, and am now back!

And ... my flist refuses to go back any more than 20 entries, so I have no idea what`s been going on in the earlier part of last week. If it was important, and someone could let me know, I would be massively grateful.

Anyone who has any interest in meeting up with one of my kids (David, Cait, Mystique) is more than welcome - I`ve been pining to write ever since I had to wander off and spend a day in a hideously pink dress.

Mel - I also have one small request. I wasn`t around when Tabby got out, but would it be possible to retcon some sort of interaction with Cait? Her former best friend not being dead is sort of a big thing for her - although I don`t know whether or not they`d be on decent terms with the whole fight-and-then-leave thing. She`d love a chat that wasn`t a fight, and kind of has the mad urge to hug Tabby, as long as it doesn`t get her a time bomb.

September 29th, 2008

More Cartoon!

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Episode 4 of "Wolverine and the X-men" for your viewing pleasure. :D

September 28th, 2008


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I need to take a little hiatus to organize my schedule and my time online now that college has started again. It won't be longer than a week, though. I still haven't had all my classes yet and I need to know all the papers and essays that I'll need to do so see how much time online I'd get. Hopefully it'll be enough and I'll be back once and for all and be active again. :)

mary xoxo

September 21st, 2008

Wolverine and the X-men

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I hope it's okay to post these links!

I just found links to the first three episodes of "Wolverine and the X-men", and thought people might like to watch. They're all on Megavideo.

Episode one: Hindsight Part 1

Episode two: Hindsight Part 2

Episode three: Hindsight Part 3


September 20th, 2008


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In an attempt to diversify my partners. All my girls;
Carmilla [info]carmilla
Molly [info]molly_hayes
Kate [info]kate_bishop
Sofia [info]wind_dancer
are free to scene if anyone would like to thread with them. =]

September 17th, 2008

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Sorry I haven't been around this past couple of days. College starts next week and I've been busy trying to do all the paperwork, matriculate and all that (which I still haven't done thanks to a bunch of professors who are too lazy to do anything >_>). Plus, my migraine is back and it's been there for like a week, so haven't been much online.

And Danika, sorry it's taken me so long to tag you back! *fails*

mary xoxo

September 16th, 2008

Just a Heads-Up

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Just a note, but I'm gonna be going through a Hell-ish week at work. I'm hoping that it's just this week and I can get back down to business.

I'll still be around but please IM me or e-mail me if you need either Paige or Warren. I might not have the energy to pay attention otherwise.

<3 Danika

September 11th, 2008

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Just as forewarning... I have a very very busy and stressful next couple/few months ahead of me. So if I'm MIA, that's where I am: dealing with it.

That said, if anyone wants scenes, please let me know. Because I'd love to do them as time allows:D

September 10th, 2008

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Hahahahaha this was playing in the car over the weekend and all I could think of was Scott/Sally/Jazz.

September 8th, 2008

Plotting: Tabitha Rescue

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Pyro, Avalanche, Mercury, Pretty Boy, Morph (?) and Rogue (correct me if there are others, Mel, or if Rogue's not in that group) have been slated to be the group going after Miss Tabitha from the Friends of Humanity. This was supposed to happen, like, yesterday, so I'm thinking we say it's going to happen FRIDAY and then forward-date it when we post a thread soon.

This is a place to put ideas and such for that particular event, as well as invite people to play FOH NPCs along the way if they'd like to be in on that.

More plot is bound to come regarding the actual major stuff: registration, deportation, Magneto's return, and the new government... :D The school is going to be checked out by a registration ... official... person... soon. Stuff to look forward to:

• School inspections!
• Deportation and safe houses!
• Uncovering the true nature of Vivieros's SHOCKING RELATIONSHIP with Mr. Sinister!
• Magneto's return revealed to the school!
• Things we're not ready to tell you yet! But they involve mayhem! Danger! Debate!

Post more plot ideas here, if you'd like! Let's get talkin'!


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Totally not trying to step on modly-toes...

But Warren's Friends List looks pretty lonely.

Update your FL here! :D

That is all :3

<3 Danika
(And Paige. And Warren)
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