Tue, Dec. 28th, 2010, 06:56 am

WHO: Paulie Muller and Theo Chastain.
WHAT: Christmasss time.
WHERE: Their apartment - 101, The Windsor, King's Ridge.
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday morning, Christmas 2010!
STATUS: Incomplete.

Residents of Nottingham awoke to a city blanketed in snow. )

Mon, Dec. 6th, 2010, 01:11 am

WHO: Paulie Muller and Theo Chastain.
WHAT: Pretty much the most distressing thing ever. (aka Theo discovers what's been causing her to feel sickly)
WHERE: Their apartment.
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday!
RATING: Oh, there will be language. Definitely.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Kristy needed a break from school shit~ )